Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,
It has been a while that I posted here at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, but that had to do with being very busy in health and because of circumstances in my family. Now I am trying to "re-start" our wonderful Haiku Kai, the place to be if you like Japanese Poetry forms such as Haiku and Tanka.
To "restart" I have chosen to first publish only once a week. Mostly that will be on Wednesday, but it can be that I post on another day.
As you noticed ... today I introduce to you all a new feature titled "Carpe Diem Troiku Challenge". As you all know several years ago I invented this new creative way of writing haiku. Troiku comes from two words "troika" and "haiku".
The Troika is a Russian sledge pulled by three horses and a haiku has three lines. The goal is to create a Troiku, that means you have to create a new haiku with every separated line of the haiku. So you start with a haiku as the "sledge", with every line you create a new haiku, that means three haiku "the horses". More about this creative way of haiku-ing you can find above in the menu.
For this first episode of our new feature Carpe Diem Troiku Challenge I will give you a haiku to work with. In other words "I give you the sledge" and you have to create the "horses". I have chosen a beautiful haiku by Jane Reichhold.
roaring down the beach
at the height of winter waves
mist clouds
© Jane Reichhold (1937-2016)
Your task is: Create a Troiku with this haiku ...
This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until Tuesday February 9th at 10:00 PM (CET). Have fun!
You can add your submission to the linking widget hidden in our logo below.