Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,
Welcome at a new episode of our special feature "Sunday Time Challenge", that special feature in which you have to respond within 24 hours. As you have noticed I have chosen a (maybe) strange theme for today ... "War", but we are at War, not only against Covid-19, but since a few days we have a real war "just around the corner" at the East borders of Europe. Russia started a war against the Ukraine. It's sad to see this happening and it makes me a little scared. As I said this war is taking place "just around the corner".
I never could imagine that this kind of terror could take place at the European borders ... All European citizens are holding their breath at the moment ... What's going to happen in upcoming weeks? Does this "terror" signal a 3rd WW?
A few days ago I decided to sign out of our CDHK Carpe Diem Twitter account, which I used to respond on the things happening all around the world, next to publishing haiku. I really signed out, but within a day or two I decided to login again, just to stay posted on the things happening around us.
What news is true and what news is false/fake? I don't know. That feeling I have since the start of the C-pandemic more than two years ago.
Is this so called "Great Reset" (as said by the World Economic Forum (WEF)) really happening? It feels so unreal this whole ... what do I say? This "conspiracy"? Is this a "real" plan? Our future is at stake if this "Great Reset" is real. Than a New World Order will take over, than we will have a Global Government that decides everything, than we will be enslaved!
I really don't know what I have to believe, I don't know how long the "Free World" will stay free. I, ofcourse, hope this is just a Nightmare and that we will awaken in the world as we have known it, but ...
WAR is not what we seek for, we seek for PEACE and LOVE ... I really hope this is a Nightmare ...
Maybe you remember these haiku:
summer grasses
all that remains
of warriors’ dreams
© Matsuo Basho (1644-1694) (Tr. Chèvrefeuille)
ancient warriors ghosts
mists over the foreign highlands -
waiting for the full moon
© Chèvrefeuille
WAR ... can be an inspiration for poets as you can read in the above two haiku. There is nothing wrong with being inspired by such a theme, but in our real life ... WAR is not welcome ... I pray for both Russia and Ukraine and I hope this war will be a short one. I really hope we will awaken from just a Nightmare.
This episode of our Sunday Time Challenge is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will close on Monday February 28th at 3:00 AM (CET). You can add your submission to the linking widget hidden in our logo below.