Saturday, August 31, 2013

Carpe Diem Sneak Preview

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

As our first anniversary is coming closer I love to look back at our first year of Carpe Diem and I would like to give you all a sneak preview into our second year of Carpe Diem.

As I started with Carpe Diem a long cherrished wish came true. It started with the deep wish to create a place on the world wide web for haijin to write and share their haiku and I hoped to promote the haiku as an Art with a capital A.
First I tried it with a weekly haiku meme "Tackle It Tuesday" at Chèvrefeuille's haikublog, my base haikublog on blogspot (Google). It wasn't a big success, but it became clear that a daily haiku meme would be an opportunity to share and promote my beloved haiku. In September 2012, I was attending Haiku Heights daily haiku challenge, the website by Leo, the idea to have my own daily haiku meme became a major task

Our first logo

and a deep wish came true as I started Chèvrefeuille's Carpe Diem, a daily haiku meme on October 1st 2012 with the first prompt Waterfall which I posted already on September 21st 2012. This first prompt had six (6) contributors. Four of them are still loyal contributors to Carpe Diem almost a year later. I started to write Carpe Diem Previews to look back on the haiku which were published and I introduced the Carpe Diem Special episodes in which I elected a haiku written by another haiku-poet for inspiration. In October 2012 Basho, whom I see as my master and role-model, was the first featured haiku-master. The months following we had also the other three great haiku-masters and the greatest haiku-poetess, Issa, Buson, Shiki and Chiyo-Ni. They all were introduced and I shared their most beautiful haiku with you all for your inspiration.

With the coming of December, the winter month (at least in my part of the world), I introduced, the classical Japanese kigo (seasonwords) and used them for prompts. To me, and to the contributors, this was really a tough challenge, but it was a joy and a big success. So I decided to use kigo in the months in which the changing of seasons occurs. In January 2013 I introduced a new feature Carpe Diem's Imagination in which a photo, painting or other image was provided for inspiration. It was another success and on a certain regular base I published other episodes of Imagination.
I almost forgot the Carpe Diem Lectures, which I started in November 2012 to share a bit of my knowledge about haiku.
This year, 2013, Carpe Diem evolved and I started several special weeks as we had e.g. in April 2013, The Zodiac days.

In April I had my 25th anniversary as a haiku poet, so that month the Specials were all haiku written by myself. April was a very festive month not at least by becoming 50 yrs of age of your host, but also the month of haibun. I started Carpe Diem's Kamishibai an all new feature in which the goal was to write haibun.

Carpe Diem has evolved to a weblog worth visiting and worth to grow further. I started new features and they were all (and still are) very succesful as there are the Tan Renga Challenge; Freestyle; Little Ones and recently Distillation. And we had wonderful Special haiku by Jane Reichhold. It was really a honor to may use her haiku in July. And last but not least we had the wonderful music by Karunesh and Guy Sweens. Really Carpe Diem has started to become a worldwide respected weblog with honored guests. Of course I hope that Carpe Diem will become a bigger family, a bigger community of haiku poets, but that's all hidden in the future behind the veils of time.

Logo Carpe Diem September 2013

I will lift a little bit of the veil and share a bit of the future of Carpe Diem.
In our first anniversary month we will have all prompts which you all suggested and the Specials are by Garry Gay  a well known modern American haiku poet (and photographer) who created the Rengay, a kind of Renga. I will write a Carpe Diem Lecture soon about this Rengay and I am preparing a kind of new challenging feature around this Rengay.
In December I will prepare another month with Inspirational music as we had in August. I have already found the musician for that month, but I have to contact him for permission. Of course our Carpe Diem features e.g. Tan Renga Challenge and Distillation will be continued on a regular base and I hope to introduce a few new Carpe Diem features.
As we enter 2014 I will have a few special months which I can say nothing about at this moment, but I think that you all will like those special months.

Well ... our second Carpe Diem year looks great and I hope that you all will be part of that new Carpe Diem year.


Chèvrefeuille, your host

PS.: If you have suggestions for our prompts ... then please share them in the Prompt Suggestion Section of our weblog.

Carpe Diem #286, Risshuu (coming of autumn)

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

An all new month of Carpe Diem's daily haiku meme lays ahead of us. Another month of nice classical Japanese kigo (seasonwords) for autumn will be revealed to you this month and of course we have Mabson O, Southard as our featured haiku-poet for the Specials. He wrote his haiku in the classical 5-7-5 syllable-structure and so the all new haiku which you are gonna write inspired on the haiku by Southard have to be also in that classical structure. Not an easy task I think, because the most of us write their haiku in the non-classical (more Western) style which I, by the way, prefer. So this month's Specials will be a challenge for me too.

Our first regular prompt for September, which I have divided in early-, mid- and late-autumn kigo, is Risshuu (coming of autumn). By the way I had to share this Nat King Cole song äutumn leaves" with you all I ran into it by accident and I liked it.

After the heat of summer nature will return to her hibernation state. Trees will loose their leaves with a firework of colors and the weather will change. The Japanese say that the moon of autumn is the most beautiful moon and I agree with them.
Autumn is my favorite season. I love the colors of the leaves, I really can enjoy the stormy weather and it's a time to look back and a time of preparation. Autumn is the season of going deep inside your body, heart and mind to meditate and contemplate ... seeking the peace within.

autumn leaves

So let's do some haiku composing ...

coloring leaves
in the bright light of the full moon -
mystic fragility

What a joy ... nature's putting on her festive clothes in a grand farewell to summer. Awesome ...
I hope you enjoyed the read and I hope that it inspires you to compose your haiku.

This prompt will stay on 'till September 2nd 11.59 AM (CET) and I will post our next episode, Shinryoo (new coolness), later on today around 7.00 PM (CET). !! Risshuu is open for submissions at 7.00 PM (CET) !!

Share your haiku on Risshuu (coming of autumn) with us all here at Carpe Diem. Have fun, enjoy the read and be inspired 

1. Ese  8. 4joy  15. HA  
2. Sara McNulty  9. Lovely Thing  16. Maggie Grace  
3. Bjorn  10. Haiku Plate Special  17. kaykuala  
4. Wabi Sabi  11. flatfroghaiku  18. Yellow Leaf—Rick  
5. Tigerbrite  12. Magical Mystical Teacher  19. jazzbumpa  
6. ಟ್ರಾನ್Pirateಟ್ರಾನ್ಸ್  13. LaTonya  20. sunshine  
7. opie houston  14. Steph  21. siggiofmaine  

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Friday, August 30, 2013

Carpe Diem #285, The Peace Within

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

With sadness and joy I publish our last Carpe Diem episode of August with the wonderful music of Karunesh. I have enjoyed this month very much and as I read all of your comments and haiku I am sure that you all have enjoyed it too.
Next December I hope to do another Carpe Diem month with inspirational music. Which musician's music I am gonna use that month I will reveal in November as I publish the December prompt-list.
I am looking forward to our next Carpe Diem month in which we have all classical Japanese kigo (seasonwords) for autumn.
OK ... back to our episode for today The Peace Within, our last musical piece by Karunesh. I am glad that he granted me his permission and I am grateful for that. Thank you Karunesh for this honor.

This piece of music has a wonderful title I think. 'The Peace Within' is referring to the balance in your life which brings peace within. To me that's what haiku does. I write haiku since the late eighties and I have grown to a balanced person with a heart full of joy and love. I even think that haiku has a positive influence on my work as an oncology nurse. I am more balanced through haiku and I hope haiku does that also to you all.

'The Peace Within' is gorgeous so lean back, listen to the music, become one with the music and enjoy the video which is made by: eljasydanina

Well ... did you like it?

the gentle breeze
refreshes my troubled mind -
finally peace within

finally peace within
my head completely empty
through the spring breeze

This prompt will stay on 'till September 1st 11.59 AM (CET) and I will publish our next episode, the first prompt of September, Risshuu (coming of autumn), later on today around 7.00 PM (CET) I hope. It will be a joy to prepare all the wonderful kigo of autumn and the Specials by Southard. So pick up your pencil and paper and write your haiku right from the heart and inspired on 'The Peace Within' by Karunesh. You can submit your haiku at 7.00 PM (CET) today.


Share your haiku inspired on The Peace Within by Karunesh with us all here at Carpe Diem. 

1. Wabi Sabi  7. A Creative Harbor USA  13. GenesMusings  
2. Lovely Thing  8. ಟ್ರಾನ್Pirateಟ್ರಾನ್ಸ್  14. Gracy Dsouza  
3. 4joy  9. kaykuala  15. sunshine  
4. Bjorn  10. Haiku Plate Special  16. Sara McNulty  
5. jazzbumpa  11. Mark M. Redfearn  
6. Maggie Grace  12. HA  

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Carpe Diem's Tan Renga Challenge #12, Southard's "the swing of the gate".

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Time flies, another week has gone by and I have to prepare a new Tan Renga Challenge for you all. As I can recall I have asked a few of you if I may use their haiku for the new Tan Renga Challenge, but (feeling ashamed) I don't know any more whom I have asked. So if it was you please let me know, so I can (with your permission of course) use your haiku in a later episode of our Tan Renga Challenge.

Mabson O. Southard, our featured haiku-poet for September

For this weeks Tan Renga Challenge I have chosen a haiku by our featured haiku-poet of September, Mabson O. Southard (1911-2000) a modern haiku-poet with a special love for the classical 5-7-5 syllable-structure. So this Tan Renga Challenge is a bit different then the other episodes of the Tan Renga Challenge. The second stanza (7-7) has to be real (classical) 7-7, not easy I think, but we have to try.

Here is the haiku by Southard which is the first stanza of this weeks Tan Renga:

Just the cellarpit;
only the catbird recalls
the swing of the gate.

The goal of this Tan Renga Challenge is to write the second stanza (7-7) by associating on the first stanza. As I said earlier in this post 'this time it's, because of Southard, to write a real 7-7 stanza'. My attempt to write a second stanza for this Tan Renga:

First stanza (5-7-5):

Just the cellarpit;
only the catbird recalls
the swing of the gate                                                    (Southard)

Second stanza (7-7):

the squeak of the backyard gate
breaking the spring night's silence                              (Chèvrefeuille)

To complete this Tan Renga with the correct number of syllables I had to use a syllable-counter program, because I am not familiar with the syllable-sules of the English language. With thanks to Mark M. Redfearn who helped me to re-vise the first version.

I hope you like this Tan Renga Challenge and I am looking forward to the completion of you all. This Tan Renga Challenge will stay on 'till September 6th 11.59 AM (CET) and I hope to publish the new Tan Renga Challenge later on that day.
For now ... have fun, pick up the Challenge, be inspired and share your completion of the Tan Renga (by copy and paste the first stanza) and your second stanza with us all here at Carpe Diem.

Share your completion of the Tan Renga with us all here at Carpe Diem.

1. kaykuala  5. Bjorn  9. opie houston  
2. Wabi Sabi  6. HA  10. Atreyee  
3. mondustwriter  7. flatfroghaiku  11. sunshine  
4. jazzbumpa  8. Lovely Thing  

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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Carpe Diem #284, Endless Skies

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Today our before last prompt with music by Karunesh. Today I share Endless Skies (from the album "Beyond Heaven" 2003) with you all. A wonderful piece of music which brought me to a deeper place inside of my mind. A place were I came in contact with an ancient past, another life maybe, but it was a wonderful place to be ... the endless skies can do that with you.
Lean back, listen to the music and maybe you will find also a deep hidden spot somewhere in your mind ... you never know.

This video is made by: Jorge Serra it's a wonderful video and it brings you to that "hidden place" deep inside your mind.

ever blue skies
moving clouds take me with them -
lotusflowers bloom

lotusflowers bloom
inbetween mirrored clouds
and blue skies

I hope you enjoyed the music and that it inspired you to write haiku. Maybe you have found that hidden place inside your mind were you can rest and enjoy the greatness of our Creator.
This prompt will stay on 'till August 31th 11.59 AM (CET) and I will try to post our last episode of August later on today around 7.00 PM (CET). That will be The Peace Within. !! Endless Skies is open for your submissions at 7.00 PM (CET) !!

Share your haiku inspired on Endless Skies on Carpe Diem.

1. Magical Mystical Teacher  7. Bjorn  13. jazzbumpa  
2. Mark M. Redfearn  8. Lovely Thing  14. JRBHaiku  
3. ಟ್ರಾನ್Pirateಟ್ರಾನ್ಸ್  9. Haiku Plate Special  15. Panchali  
4. Ese  10. Wabi Sabi correct link!  16. Sara McNulty  
5. Reading Pleasure  11. Maggie Grace  
6. Amrit Sinha  12. GenesMusings  

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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Carpe Diem #283, Hidden Places

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

What an awesome month we have this month. All the wonderful music by Karunesh, which I love to listen too, and I will missed it I think. Just a few days to this month and then we will start with an all new month full of classical Japanese autumn kigo. I am looking forward to that new month.
A few days ago I launched our new feature "distillation" and I have read wonderful distilled haiku and I hope you all will give it a try ... it's just fun and so like the classical haiku-poets way to write their haiku.

Today I have another wonderful musical video for you all with a nice piece of music by Karunesh it's called Hidden Places and it's about wonderful places around the world. I think that everyone has a favorite (and maybe hidden) place somewhere on our beautiful world. I have a wonderful "hidden"  place here in The Netherlands and I love to share that with you all.
In Leiden we have a Hortus Botanicus and in that garden they have made a wonderful Japanese Garden with awesome Japanese trees, bushes and flowers ... it's really a wonderful place to be and it's a very inspiring place.

Hortus Botanicus Leiden The Netherlands, Japanese Garden

Japanese Garden
place to be silent
inspiration grows

OK ... back to our episode of today. I love to share the following music video by Karunesh. This video is made by Christy Andreii. So lean back listen to the music and watch the video. Let it inspire you to write your haiku.

This prompt will stay on 'till August 30th 11.59 AM (CET) and I will try to publish our next episode, Endless Skies,  later on today around 7.00 PM (CET). !! Hidden Places is now open for your submissions !!

Share your haiku inspired on the music by Karunesh with Carpe Diem.

1. ಟ್ರಾನ್Pirateಟ್ರಾನ್ಸ್  7. Maggie Grace  13. Wabi Sabi #2  
2. 4joy  8. Haiku Plate Special  14. HA  
3. Ese  9. Magical Mystical Teacher  15. jazzbumpa  
4. like an apple  10. Mark M. Redfearn  16. siggiofmaine  
5. Lovely Thing  11. GenesMusings  
6. Wabi Sabi  12. A Creative Harbor USA  

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Carpe Diem Special #54, Kikaku's "The beggar!

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Today, we can look back on a wonderful August month. We had wonderful music and the haiku by Kikaku were all masterpieces which inspired you all to write your own masterpieces. I am grateful that I can and may be you host here at Carpe Diem.
As I look forward ... a new stunning month of Carpe Diem's daily haiku meme is ahead of us and we will have our first anniversary next October. It's exciting to look forward, but it's also fun to look back. Yesterday (8/26) I launched a new feature Carpe Diem's Distillation in which I challenge you all to distil haiku from another poem. As I write this episode I have just published the first episode of this new feature and I can already say that it starts to be a success ... we will see how things go on ...
This month all our Specials were haiku by Takarai Kikaku, a contemporary and disciple of Matsuo Basho, who also had part in the composing of Basho's famous "old pond" haiku. As we look at the haiku by Kikaku we can see the influence of the master, but we also can see Kikaku's own way of composing haiku. Basho was always searching for Karumi (Enlightenment) and in Kikaku's work we find that quest also.
The following haiku by Kikaku has that Karumi in it. It's a masterpiece in which he 'paints' 'selflessness', one of the pillars of Zen BUddhism. It's in my opinion really a masterpiece.

kojiki kana tenchi wo kitaru natsugoromo

the beggar!
he has Heaven and Earth
for his summer clothes

This refers to the common use of changing clothes. Many people look upon Kikaku as the obverse, or compliment of Basho, and there is good reason for this. He is the non-religious, non-moral poet. He and Basho correspond to Ritaihaku and Hakurakuten in Chinese poetry and to Byron and Wordsworth in English poetry. In the above verse of Kikaku, haiku is doing something which it was never intended, perhaps, to do. There is a similar passage at the end of Soshi; there may be some relation between the two:

[...] When Soshi was about to die, his disciples wished to bury him in a grand style, but Soshi said: "My coffin will be Heaven and Earth; for the funeral ornaments of jade, there are the sun and moon; for my pearls and jewels I shall have the stars and constellations; all things will be my mourners. Is not everything ready for my burial? What should be added to this?" [...]

Isn't it a wonderful haiku? And the idea Soshi talks about his burial ... isn't it a wonderful thought also?
Well ... now I have to reach the goal of this Special haiku by Kikaku to write an all new haiku in the same tone, sense and spirit as the one by Kikaku. Not an easy task, but ... well I have to try of course (smiles).

Credits: Butterflies on Buddleia

butterflies attend
the flowers of summer lilac (*)
nothing more, nothing less

(*) Buddleia or Butterfly-bush

Well ... what do you think? Did I succeed? Let me know ...

This Special prompt will stay on 'till August 29th 11.59 AM (CET) and I will post our next regular episode of Carpe Diem, Hidden Places, later on today around 7.00 PM (CET). Have fun, be inspired and share your inspired haiku on the one by Kikaku with us all here at Carpe Diem. !! This Special by Kikaku is open for your submissions at 7.00 PM (CET) !!

Share your haiku in the same tone, sense and spirit as the one by Kikaku with us all here at Carpe Diem the place to be if you like writing and sharing haiku with the world.

1. Pirate  7. Magical Mystical Teacher  13. JRBHaiku  
2. Sunshine  8. Haiku Plate Special  14. jazzbumpa  
3. Sara McNulty  9. Lovely Thing  15. like an apple  
4. Ese  10. Mark M. Redfearn  16. siggiofmaine  
5. gillena  11. HA  
6. GenesMusings  12. Maggie Grace  

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Monday, August 26, 2013

Carpe Diem's Distillation #1, A poem by Otomo Miyuki (Manyoshu)

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Early this morning, around 8.00 AM I read one the most inspiring haiku books I have and while reading an idea for a new feature came in mind. So here we are ...

I love to introduce to you a whole new feature on Carpe Diem. It's an experimental feature, and I will try this two months. This new feature will be appearing as a bi-weekly feature, so we have four (4) episodes to go for this new feature.
As we have seen in August ... music can be a source of inspiration to write haiku. Also we know that a photo, painting or other image (as in Carpe Diem's Imagination) can be an inspiration, but ... I am sure that another poem can be a source of inspiration too.
Our ancient haiku-poets and haiku-masters used other poetry on a regular base to be inspired. They were inspired by e.g. classical Chines and Japanese poetry as the Tang-poetry (618-907) or the Manyoshu (the oldest known anthology of Japanese poetry 347 A.D.).
I think that we can be inspired too by poems. So this new feature of Carpe Diem I have called "Distillation" and the goal is to distil haiku from another poem. It's not easy I think, but ... well we have to try don't you think too?

The Manyoshu

 For this first episode of Carpe Diem's Distillation I have chosen a poem by Otomo Miyuki, who wrote this poem after the Jinshin conflict (672), in which Emperor Temmu in 673 moved the capital of Japan back to Yamato Province on the Kiyomihara plain, naming this new capital Asuka.
This poem was included in the Manyoshu.

Our Sovereign, a god,
Has made his Imperial City
Out of the stretch of swamps,
Where chestnut horses sank
To their bellies.

© Ōtomo Miyuki 

My attempt to distil a haiku from this poem ...

raised from the swamps
a new imperial capital
like a lotus

Well ... I don't know if I have succeeded in this 'distillation', but I sense the tone and spirit of the poem by Otomo Miyuki.

Now ... it's up to you ... distil a haiku from the poem by Otomo Miyuki and share it with us all here on Carpe Diem. This first episode of Carpe Diem's Distillation will stay on 'till September 9th 11.59 AM (CET) and I will try to publish the second episode of Carpe Diem's Distillation later on that day around 7.00 PM (CET). !!! This episode is now open for submissions !!!

Share your distilled haiku with us all here on Carpe Diem.

1. GenesMusings  4. JRBHaiku  7. Lovely Thing  
2. 4joy  5. E A M Harris  8. sunshine  
3. jazzbumpa  6. Haiku Plate Special  9. Sara McNulty  

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Carpe Diem #282, Secrets of Life

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

This Carpe Diem month, full of wonderful music, is almost ending, four (4) days are left of this month and then we will enter a new month of Carpe Diem, with wonderful prompts for autumn and another featured 'modern' haiku-poet.
Today I share Secrets of Life with you, but what (without the music or a music-video) are the Secrets of Life? The secret of life is the live-giving energy of Mother Earth and the creating energy of the Creator, but secrets of life can also be something you have experienced and haven't told to someone ever.

Video made by Vips2466

An awesome video with wonderful nature and wonderful music intwined with eachother in great symphony and in praise of the Secrets of Life ...

inbetween leaves
hiding for the eyes of humans
young towhee birds

I hide my tears
behind the Holy Scripture
my brother died (*)

(*) in loving memory of my brother who died in 1995

"granddad come look!"
my grandson beckons me closer
"a homeless snail"

Credits: "a homeless snail"

Also a secret of life? Why does a snail has a shell and a "homeless snail" not ... My grandson had the answer. Would you want to know it? Well ... he said: "he hasn't paid his rent, that's why that snail has no house." How simple ... what a secret of life ... really I enjoy all the child's thoughts about something like 'a homeless snail'.

This prompt will stay on 'till August 28th 11.59 AM (CET) and I will post our last Carpe Diem Special by Kikaku later on today around 7.00 PM (CET). !! Secrets of Life is open for your submissions at 7.00 PM (CET) !!

Share your haiku inspired on Secrets of Life with Carpe Diem.

1. 4joy  6. Haiku Plate Special  11. Just Joyfulness  
2. A Creative Harbor USA  7. Wabi  12. Maggie Grace  
3. Magical Mystical Teacher  8. Mark M. Redfearn  13. Sara McNulty  
4. Lovely Thing  9. Ese  14. siggiofmaine  
5. HA  10. JRBHaiku  

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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Carpe Diem #281, Punjab

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Today a little trip back to India. Several days ago we went for a "Journey to India" and now we are goning on another trip ... we are going to Punjab. This musical video will bring you there ... lean back and listen to the music, become one with the music, and let the inspiration flow ...

This video is made by: khs1216

Be inspired and share your haiku on "Punjab" with us all here at Carpe Diem. This prompt will stay on 'till August 27th 11.59 AM (CET) and I will post our new episode, Secrets of Life, later on today around 7.00 PM (CET) !! Punjab is open for your submissions at 7.00 PM (CET) !!

Share your haiku inspired on the music-video Punjab with us all here on Carpe Diem.

1. Mark M. Redfearn  6. Maggie Grace  11. jrbhaiku  
2. Bjorn  7. 4joy  12. opie houston  
3. Lovely Thing  8. HA  13. Sara McNulty  
4. ಟ್ರಾನ್Pirateಟ್ರಾನ್ಸ್  9. Haiku Plate Special  14. siggiofmaine  
5. Ese  10. Chèvrefeuille  

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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Carpe Diem #280, The Conversation

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Another day in haiku paradise Carpe Diem another day for wonderful music written by Karunesh our featured New Age World Fusion Musician of this month. Today I had a busy day I am preparing our prompt-list for our first anniversary next October and I have laid contact with one of the most famous modern haiku-poets (and photographer) of our time. I have contacted Garry Gay and have asked him permission to use his haiku for our anniversary month next October ... he has granted me his permission to use his haiku. I am excited. In our News-section you can find his respons on my request. Garry Gay is a wellknown haiku-poet and he has developed the Rengay a specific form of Renga. I will write soon a Carpe Diem Extra episode about this wonderful new modern form of Renga, Garry has also given his permission to do that and he was honored as I am honored with his permission. So our first anniversary will be one long month of festivities. I am looking forward ... and I hope you all will too.

Credits: Garry Gay, our featured haiku-poet for October

OK back to our episode of today. Today I love to share The Conversation from the Album Nirvana Café (2002). What is conversation? Do we have a conversation here? I think everyone of us will know what a conversation is, talking with eachother and really listen to eachother. In some way this is what we are doing here at Carpe Diem.
I start a conversation with our daily posts and you all, my dear haijin, visitors and travelers, join in with your wonderful haiku. Together we have a conversation through haiku. Maybe that's the goal of haiku writing and sharing, but it could easily be the goal of a Tan Renga, a Rengay or Kasen Renga. Our haiku community is always in conversation and together we share haiku .. so Carpe Diem is a kind of collaborative writing ... I like that thought.

This video was made by Digital1958 and I think he/she has made a wonderful video with the music by Karunesh ... so lean back, enjoy the video, listen to the music, become one with it and let your inspiration flow ..

all alone
surrounded by Mother Nature
I say my prayers

I say my prayers
high above the lost village
no more talking

no more talking
not in tune with the world
all alone

I think I have chosen a bit sad/dark tone for this cascading haiku, because I feel like that ... sometimes we have nothing to talk about, there's no conversation possible and ... well that can also be a relief ... just me and Mother Nature, me and the silence, me and the breeze, me and the waves, me and the scream of seagulls ... that also is in a way a conversation ... well ... I am just me and sometimes I need the silence, to be alone and say my prayers ...

I hope you enjoyed this post and the wonderful music by Karunesh and that it inspired you to write you haiku and share it with us all here on Carpe Diem, the place to be if you like writing and sharing haiku with the world.
This prompt will stay on 'till August 26th 11.59 AM (CET) and I will take you again on a trip to India with Punjab later on today around 7.00 PM (CET). !! The Conversation is open for your submissions at 7.00 PM (CET) !!

Share your haiku inspired on The Conversation by Karunesh with us all here on Carpe Diem. Have fun, be inspired and share!!

1. ಟ್ರಾನ್Pirateಟ್ರಾನ್ಸ್  8. Maggie Grace  15. Magical Mystical Teacher  
2. Just Joyfulness  9. Haiku Plate Special  16. Ese  
3. Sfurti Juztamom  10. 4joy  17. Mariya Koleva  
4. kaykuala  11. HA  18. Sara McNulty  
5. Bjorn  12. Wabi Sabi  19. siggiofmaine  
6. Lovely Thing  13. jazzbumpa  
7. MIriam's Well  14. Mark M. Redfearn  

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Carpe Diem's Little Ones #3,

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Another new week lays ahead of us and I love to share a new episode of Carpe Diem's "Little Ones" with you all. This feature is meant to be for short poetry forms different or related to haiku. So today I would like to introduce another short form of poetry to you SIJO an ancient Korean short poetry form.

Sijo share a common history with haiku and other Japanese forms. Sijo is a modern term for a Korean style of lyrical poetry, originally called tanga (literally, "short song"). The sijo strongly resembles Japanese haiku in having a strong foundation in nature in a short profound structure. Bucolic, metaphysical and astronomical themes are often explored. The lines average 14-16 syllables, for a total of 44-46. There is a pause in the middle of each line, so in English they are sometimes printed in six lines instead of three. Most poets follow these guidelines very closely although there are longer examples. Either narrative or thematic, this lyric verse introduces a situation or problem in line 1, development (called a turn) in line 2, and a strong conclusion beginning with a surprise (a twist) in line 3, which resolves tensions or questions raised by the other lines and provides a memorable ending. An example by Kwon Homun (1532-1587): :

"The wind is pure and clear,
the moon is pure and bright.

The bamboo grove within the pines
is pure of worldly cares:

But a lute and piles of scrolls
can make it purer still"

Credits: Bamboo Groove

Another example by Yi Saek (1328-1396):

"the white snow has left the valleys 
where the clouds are lowering

Is it true that somewhere
the plum tress have happily blossomed?

I stand here alone in the dusk 
and do not know where to go"

Credits: Plum Trees

Korean poetry can be traced at least as far back as King Yuri's Song of Yellow Birds (17BC), but its roots are in still earlier Chinese quatrains. Sijo, Korea's favorite poetic genre, is often traced to Confucian monks of the eleventh century, but its roots, too, are in those earlier forms. Its greatest flowering occurred in the 16th and 17th centuries. 
Sijo is, first and foremost, a song. This lyric pattern gained popularity in royal courts as a vehicle for religious or philosophic expression, but a parallel tradition arose among the 'common' folk. Sijo were sung or chanted with musical accompaniment, and still are. In fact, the word originally referred only to the music, but it has come to be identified with the lyric as well.
The poet should not lose sight of three basic characteristics that make the sijo unique: its structure, its musical/rhythmic elements, and the twist which begins the final line. For best results, poets follow these and other guidelines very closely. (sources: Wonder Haiku Worlds and Asian Poetry, the Sijo

My first attempt to write a Sijo I love to share here with you all.

Cherry trees blossoming 
for the very first time

spreading their branches,
reaching for the sun

thunderstorms raging,
fragile blossoms scattered

Well ... I think I am gonna like this new poetry form from the Far East. What do you think about this Sijo?

This episode of Carpe Diem's "Little Ones" will stay on 'till September 8th 11.59 AM (CET). The goal for this episode is to write a Sijo, but you also may share another short poetry-form e.g. Pi-ku or Acrostic haiku. Just have fun, be inspired and share your "Little One" with our haiku community.

Share your Sijo or other "little one" with us all here at Carpe Diem.

1. Mark M. Redfearn  3. Chèvrefeuille  5. Tigerbrite  
2. Bjorn  4. jazzbumpa  6. Sara McNulty  

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Friday, August 23, 2013

Carpe Diem #279, Calling Wisdom

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Today I share "Calling Wisdom" by Karunesh with you. A wonderful piece of music with a deeper meaning. We all once in a while are calling for wisdom, then we go outside to be in deep contact with Mother Earth or (as I mostly do) just take a walk through the neighborhood.
In last May we were calling wisdom from the Tarot and that brought us new insights. We are all seeking for wisdom ... and I hope that I can help you all a little bit with sharing 'my wisdom' with you. "Calling Wisdom", I hope, will inspire you all to write wonderful haiku ...
I once wrote an essay for Wonder Haiku Worlds in which I compared the Haiku with the Koan and I think that we all can share our wisdom and knowledge through our haiku.

[This video is made by The Tark It’s his first attempt to create an experience that immerses the viewer into the show by combining the visual imagery of a fractal kaleidoscope with the effects produced by the music. The video is best viewed at 720p in a dark room sitting close to the screen. The Tark is working on several others based on what he learned making this one.]

By the way Calling Wisdom is from the Album Zen Breakfast which was released in 2001.

following the path
through the neigborhood were I live
seeking wisdom

seeking wisdom
in the depths of my heart -
Honeysuckle blooms

Honeysuckle blooms
I just follow the path to my mind
and become all new

Not a strong series, but it was just a joy to compose this haiku inspired by the wonderful Calling Wisdom music by Karunesh.
This prompt will stay on 'till August 25th 11.59 AM (CET) and I will post our new episode, The Conversation, later on today around 7.00 PM (CET). !! Calling Wisdom is open for your submissions right now !!

Share your haiku inspired on Calling Wisdom with us all here on Carpe Diem.

1. Lovely Thing  5. Mark M. Redfearn  9. Magical Mystical Teacher  
2. Carpe Diem  6. Wabi Sabi  10. Sara McNulty  
3. Haiku Plate Special  7. Maggie Grace  11. siggiofmaine  
4. HA  8. jazzbumpa  

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Carpe Diem's Kamishibai #5, fairytale

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Another new episode of our haibun feature is at hand now. This two weeks I have chosen for the next theme for your haibun fairytale. So please write your own fairytale-haibun and share it with us all here on Carpe Diem.
To inspire you all I have copied an earlier post of my at the beginning of Carpe Diem. The prompt then was Nightingale and I shared the fairytale of the Nightingale ... I love to share that fairytale again here and I have 're-done' it to a haibun form.

The Nightingale

Once upon a time in China there was a great emperor. His palace was the most beautiful in the world, and was surrounded by a garden with the most beautiful flowers. They had pretty silver bells tied to them, which tinkled so that everyone who passed could not help noticing them. Nearby, there was a forest that was home to a nightingale that sang so beautifully even the fishermen, who had so much to do, would stop to listen.
Travelers from every country in the world came to the city of the emperor, which they admired very much. When the visitors heard the nightingale, they all declared it to be the most wondrous of all.

between flowering trees
a Nightingale is singing it's song
for the joy of the world

The emperor had never heard of this nightingale. When he heard travelers speak of it, he said, “What is this? I know nothing of any nightingale. Is there such a bird in my empire?”
The emperor demanded that the nightingale be brought to him.
But where was the nightingale to be found? All of his lords-in-waiting looked high and low for the famous bird but were unable to find it.
At last, a poor little girl in the kitchen said, “Oh, yes, I know the nightingale quite well; indeed, she can sing. She lives down by the seashore.”
“Please lead us to the nightingale,” said a lord-in-waiting. So she did.
“My excellent little nightingale,” said the lord-in-waiting, “I have the great pleasure of inviting you to a court festival this evening, where the emperor can hear your charming song.”
“My song sounds best in the green wood,” said the bird. But still she came willingly when she heard the emperor's wish.
At the festival, the nightingale sang so sweetly that tears came into the emperor's eyes and rolled down his cheeks. Her song touched everyone's heart.

Nightingale's song
hits me deep down inside of me -
tears rolling down

The nightingale's visit was so successful that she was now to remain at court, to have her own cage, with liberty to go out twice a day and once during the night. Twelve servants were appointed to attend her on these occasions. Each servant held her by a silk cord fastened to her leg. There was certainly not much pleasure for the nightingale in this kind of flying.
One day the emperor received a large packet on which was written, “The Nightingale.” Inside was an artificial nightingale made to look like the living bird and covered with diamonds, rubies, and sapphires. As soon as the artificial bird was wound up, it could sing like the real one and could move its tail, which sparkled with silver and gold, up and down. It was a gift from the emperor of Japan.
 This new bird was as successful as the real bird, and it was even prettier to look at. It sang without ever getting tired. The people would gladly have heard it again, but the emperor said the living nightingale should sing something. But where was she? No one noticed when she flew out of the open window, back to the forest.

artificial bird
wound up to sing it's song -
the sound of water

The emperor missed the real nightingale, but the music-master praised the artificial bird. He said it was even better than a real nightingale, not only because of its beauty but also because of its musical power.
“With a real nightingale we can never tell what is going to be sung, but with this bird everything is settled. It can be opened and explained, so that people can understand how the waltzes are formed, and why one note follows upon another,” said the music-master.
So, the real nightingale was banished from the empire, and the artificial bird placed on a silk cushion close to the emperor's bed. A year passed, and the emperor, the court, and all the people knew every little turn in the artificial bird's song. For that same reason, it pleased them better. They could sing with the bird, which they often did. One evening, when the artificial bird was singing and the emperor lay in bed, something inside the bird popped. Then a spring cracked and the music stopped.
The emperor immediately sprang out of bed and called for his doctor. But what could he do? Then they sent for a watchmaker. After a great deal of talking and examination, the bird was sort of fixed. But the watchmaker said that it must be used very carefully because the bird's mechanism was getting old and it would be impossible to put in a new one without injuring the music. The bird could only be played once a year.

what a sadness
artificial Nightingale's broken -
faraway birdsong

Credits: The Nightingale

Five years passed, and a real sadness came upon the land. The emperor was ill and not expected to live much longer. Cold and pale, he stayed in his royal bed. One day, the emperor awoke with a strange weight on his chest. He opened his eyes and saw Death sitting there. He had put on the emperor's golden crown, and held in one hand his sword of state, and in the other his beautiful banner. All around the bed and peeping through the long velvet curtains, were a number of strange heads — some very ugly, and others lovely and gentle-looking. These were the emperor's good and bad deeds that now stared him in the face.
Death continued to stare at the emperor with his cold, hollow eyes, and the room was fearfully still. Suddenly there came through the open window the sound of sweet music. Outside, on the branch of a tree, sat the living nightingale. She had heard of the emperor's illness and had come to sing to him of hope and trust. And as she sang, the shadows grew paler and the blood in the emperor's veins flowed more rapidly, giving life to his weak limbs. Even Death himself listened, and said, “Go on, little nightingale, go on.”
“Then will you give me the beautiful golden sword and that rich banner? And will you give me the emperor's crown?” said the bird.

Nightingale sings again
on the windowsill of my room
bearer of joy

Death gave up each of these treasures for a song, and the nightingale continued her singing. Soon, Death floated out through the window in the form of a cold, white mist.
“Thank you heavenly little bird. I know you well. I banished you from my kingdom once. Yet you have charmed away the evil faces from my bed, and banished Death from my heart. How can I reward you?”
“You have already rewarded me,” said the nightingale. “I shall never forget that I drew tears from your eyes the first time I sang to you. These are the jewels that rejoice a singer's heart. But now sleep, and grow strong and well again. I will sing to you again.”
And as she sung, the emperor fell into a sweet sleep. When he awoke, he was strengthened and restored.
“You must always remain with me,” said the emperor. “You shall sing only when it pleases you; and I will break the artificial bird into a thousand pieces.”
“No, don't do that,” replied the nightingale. “The bird did very well as long as it could. Keep it here. I cannot live in the palace, but let me come when I like. I will sit on a bough outside your window, in the evening, and sing to you.” Then the Nightingale flew away.
The servants now came in to look after the emperor. To their tremendous joy and astonishment, there he stood, healthy, saying a happy good morning.

finally healthy
artificial nature's not good -
the song of birds

Well ... that was my fairytale-haibun The Nightingale and I hope it will inspire you to write your own 'fairytale'-haibun.
This episode of Carpe Diem's Kamishibai will stay on 'till September 6th 11.59 AM (CET). Have fun, be inspired and share your haibun with us all here on Carpe Diem.


Share your "fairy-tale" haibun with us here on Carpe Diem.

1. ಟ್ರಾನ್Pirateಟ್ರಾನ್ಸ್  2. 4joy  

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Thursday, August 22, 2013

Carpe Diem #278, Japanese Spring

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

What a joy to prepare an all new episode of Carpe Diem with wonderful inspirational music by Karunesh I am still a lucky man that I may use his music for our daily haiku meme. Really I hadn't even dreamed about this, but I am for sure a lucky man. And I am so glad that you, my dear friends, do like the music by Karunesh and that it inspires you to such wonderful haiku. It makes me proud and humble to be your host here.
Today I love to share the next musical video made by Christy Andreii on Japanese Spring by Karunesh. Enjoy the video, lean back listen to the music, be one with the music and let the music inspire you to write new haiku for Carpe Diem.

Isn't it wonderful? Lovely music which brings the joy of the Japanese Spring. This track Japanese Spring is from the album "Colours of Light" (1987). It's one of his first albums he ever made. So in this track you can hear the 'old' Karunesh and you can compare this track with other tracks we have had through the last weeks. 

joyful time of year
cherry blossoms start blooming -
the rustling breeze

the rustling breeze
asks the cherry blossoms for a dance -
tears are flowing

A joyful circle of life caught in a set of haiku ... Have fun, be inspired and share your haiku with Carpe Diem.

This prompt will stay on 'till August 24th 11.59 AM (CET) and I will post our next episode, Calling Wisdom, later on today around 7.00 PM (CET). !! Japanese Spring is open for submissions at 7.00 PM (CET) !!

Share your haiku inspired on this wonderful music by Karunesh, Japanese Spring, with us all here on Carpe Diem.

1. Mark M. Redfearn  6. Wabi Sabi  11. JRBHaiku  
2. ಟ್ರಾನ್Pirateಟ್ರಾನ್ಸ್  7. Lovely Thing  12. Magical Mystical Teacher  
3. Rheumatologe  8. Ese  13. Sara McNulty  
4. Maggie Grace  9. Haiku Plate Special  14. siggiofmaine  
5. Bjorn  10. HA  

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Carpe Diem's Tan Renga Challenge #11, "cricket silence" Jane Reichhold

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

A new Tan Renga Challenge is on. I hadn't time yesterday so this new Tan Renga Challenge is a bit late, forgive me.
I have chosen for another wonderful haiku written by our last month's featured haiku-poetess Jane Reichhold. She really has written masterpieces and I think this one, used as the first stanza of our new Tan Renga, is such a masterpiece.
The goal of the Tan Renga Challenge is to make the Tan Renga complete with the second two-line stanza (7-7). Please copy and paste the first stanza (5-7-5) by Jane Reichhold into your post and complete the Tan Renga with your second stanza. That second stanza has to be written out of an association from the first stanza,

first stanza:

cricket silence
between scraping sounds
autumn begins                                 (Jane Reichhold)

second stanza (7-7): 


Credits: Cricket

Looks a bit spooky to me this cricket, but I liked this picture to illustrate the haiku by Jane Reichhold. And I have given it a try also ... here is my Tan Renga completion:

cricket silence
between scraping sounds
autumn begins                                           (Jane Reichhold)

colorful leaves fall silently
in the puddles of last night's rain              (Chèvrefeuille)

I think this one is awesome, not completly 7-7, but I think it makes the Tan Renga complete. Now it's your turn ...
This Tan Renga Challenge will be on 'till August 29th 11.59 AM (CET). Have fun, be inspired and share your Tan Renga completion with us all here on Carpe Diem, the place to be if you like writing and sharing haiku with the world.

Make the Tan Renga complete by associating on the first stanza by Jane Reichhold and complete it with your 7-7 stanza. Have fun, be inspired and share.

1. 4joy  5. like an apple  9. Sara McNulty  
2. jazzbumpa  6. Rheumatologe  10. becca givens  
3. HA  7. sunshine  
4. Bjorn  8. Lovely Thing  

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Carpe Diem Special #53, Kikaku's "a flock of swallows"

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Today I have another wonderful haiku written by Kikaku to share with you all. I think this is not an easy haiku to be inspired through, but ... it's a challenge to try to write a haiku in the same tone, sense and Spirit as Kikaku.

Credits: Swallows flying through willows

above the sea
a rainbow, erased by
a flock of swallows

(c) Kikaku

Well ... I hope you all will be inspired and I love to share my haiku inspired on this one by Kikaku. It wasn't easy to write a new haiku ...

over the meadow
flies a flock of whimbrels -
poppies tremble

This Special episode will stay on 'till August 23th 11.59 AM (CET) and I will post our new episode later on today around 7.00 PM (CET). That will be another nice musical piece by Karunesh, Japanese Spring. !! Kikaku's "a flock of swallows" is open for submissions at 7.00 PM (CET) !!

Share your haiku inspired on the one by Kikaku with Carpe Diem. Have fun, be inspired and share.

1. Ese  8. Wabi Sabi  15. Tigerbrite  
2. Sfurti Juztamom  9. Lovely Thing  16. Gracy Dsouza  
3. 4joy  10. Haiku Plate Special  17. Reading Pleasure  
4. Mark M. Redfearn  11. Maggie Grace  18. Panchali  
5. Bjorn  12. HA  19. jazzbumpa  
6. like an apple  13. JRBHaiku  20. Sara McNulty  
7. flatfroghaiku  14. Magical Mystical Teacher  21. siggiofmaine  

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Carpe Diem #277, Magic Fields

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

We are in the last 'trimester' of this wonderful month of musical prompts and it was (and still is) an adventure to prepare the episodes for this month and it was an adventure to let my inspiration be lead by music. To me music was (and is) always a great source of inspiration and I have seen this month that music can be an inspiration. I have read wonderful haiku inspired on the music by Karunesh and that makes me happy. It feels like some kind of magic to see what music can do with you and with me.

Today I have Magic Fields for prompt and that's a wonderful prompt I think. As I look around me and I see the fields and meadows blossom with thousands of colors then that has to be MAGIC and if not ... well to me it feels like magic. I am always happy as I see those wonderful colored fields and it's really a joy to stroll through those fields ... looking around me in the strong hope that I find another nice field flower or something ... it's a kind of love I think a kind of unconditional love for all and everything around me. It's really a joy to see God in all and everything around me.

Listen to the music, lean back, close your eyes and dream away in the Magic Fields .... (Video made by Daniel R)

Awesome ... I felt if I was really there. Wonderful, just wonderful. I even don't have words to describe what I saw and felt. Nevertheless I have tried to write my new haiku:

Mother Nature's magic
bewitches me every day again -
cherry blossoms bloom

cherry blossoms bloom
finally, after a long cold winter,
I welcome spring

I welcome spring
seasons come and go
Mother nature's magic

I am looking forward to all of your wonderful haiku inspired on this music by Karunesh. This prompt will stay on 'till August 22th 11.59 AM (CET) and I will post our new Carpe Diem episode later on today. That will be the fourth CD Special written by Kikaku. I haven't made my choice for a haiku by Kikaku ... so you all have to wait ... sorry. !! Magic Fields is open for submissions at 7.00 PM (CET) !!

Share your haiku inspired on Magic Fields with Carpe Diem, the place to be if you like to write and share haiku with the world.

1. Suzanne  8. HA  15. JRBHaiku  
2. Mark M. Redfearn  9. jazzbumpa  16. Magical Mystical Teacher  
3. Bjorn  10. becca givens  17. Tigerbrite  
4. Wabi Sabi  11. Haiku Plate Special  18. Maggie Grace  
5. Ese  12. Chèvrefeuille a.k.a. Basho2012  19. Sara McNulty  
6. Lovely Thing  13. Amrit Sinha  20. Mariya Koleva  
7. A Creative Harbor ~ USA  14. ಟ್ರಾನ್Pirateಟ್ರಾನ್ಸ್  21. siggiofmaine  

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