Monday, July 10, 2017

Carpe Diem Haiku Kai Autumn Retreat 2017 "departure"

photo credit

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

As you all know I try to organize every season a so called "retreat" and I love to do this again for autumn 2017. Maybe you think ... "why now already an autumn retreat, it's still summer", well as I started to do these Retreats I thought to do the retreats around the middle of the season before the season of the retreat. In this case that means, that this Autumn Retreat starts on July 15thand will end on August 15th.

This year's autumn retreat I have titled "departure", because I associate autumn with departing and "letting go" or releasing. Nature is saying goodbye to summer with an awesome fire works of beautiful colors and celebrates that nature's going into hibernation ... to become alive again after the cold and dark winter.

This year's Autumn Retreat is about "departure" and I hope to read wonderful haiku and tanka. The Autumn Retreat 2017 starts July 15th at 10.00 PM (CET) and runs until August 15th 10.00 PM (CET). The goal is to create / write a haiku or tanka every day, for 30 days, themed "departure".

To give you an idea .... here are a few poems I created with this theme "departure":

autumn departs
in deep silence willow leaves fall -
tears on this grave
as the willow is green again
another year has gone

© Chèvrefeuille

And a troiku, more about this form you can find above in the menu:

walking on the heath
in the light of the full moon
the scent of autumn

walking on the heath
feeling one with a Shepherd
in contact with God (*)

in the light of the full moon
laying down in the meadow
the River of Heaven (**)

the scent of autumn
feelings of departure and loneliness
tears in the puddle

© Chèvrefeuille

(*) Inspired on the Shepherd boy in The Alchemist of Paulo Coelho

(**) the Milky Way

I hope I have inspired you to participate in this Carpe Diem Haiku Kai Autumn Retreat 2017 "departure" ... 30 days of creating haiku and tanka every day.

Have fun!


  1. yes ... autumn to me is about departure and letting go ... enough room to work with

  2. everybody is fully inspired .!!!

  3. Suddenly I can't get to Elsie's blog - it says it's protected.

  4. Thank you Kristjaan for this retreat ! This is my first time to write a whole month , nonstop ! someday the words came so easily , and someday it takes a whole night .
    Thank you again for the inspiring words !!!

  5. What a wonderful way to be a little more ready for autumn...Here are my last "catch ups"
