Friday, December 19, 2014

Carpe Diem #630, Straw

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

As we are on our way to the end of 2014 we have had wonderful modern kigo (seasonwords) compiled by Jane Reichhold in her saijiki "A Dictionary of Haiku" and today we are going further with the exploration of those wonderful modern kigo. Today we have straw for prompt and that's a nice one, but also a challenging one.

I love to share a haiku by Matsuo Basho (my master) in which he writes about straw. Here it is:

komo wo ki te   tare bito imasu   hana no haru

wrapped in a straw mat
who can this great one be?
flowers of spring

© Basho (1644-1694)

With this haiku came a preface "welcoming the New Year in Kyoto", this haiku is translated by Jane Reichhold and of course I have to share a haiku on straw written by her:

on frozen snow
still warm from the cow barn
broken straw

© Jane Reichhold

Credits: Cows in the snow (Dutch website)

A wonderful, almost Christmas fitting haiku ... a nice one ... How to write my own haiku on straw? Well here it is ... a little bit romance in this dark time before Christmas.

between straw bales
two youngsters exploring love
their first kiss

© Chèvrefeuille

Hm ... a nice one I think .... sometimes I have to go outside my normal way of writing haiku ... and so I came up with this one ... I can imagine how this must be for these youngsters. I still remember my first kiss like yesterday.

I hope this episode will inspire you to write an all new haiku (or Tanka). Just enjoy .... and share.

This episode is open for your submissions tonight at 7.00 PM (CET) and will remain open until December 22nd at noon (CET). I will (try to) post our next episode, winter solstice, later on.

Are you inspired by this wonderful prompt? Than let it inspire you to write haiku and share it with us all here at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai.
1. Magical Mystical Teacher  8. Haiku Plate Special  15. Bastet and Sekhmet's Library  
2. Lovely Thing  9. Paloma  16. Tournesoldansunjardin  
3. Mark M. Redfearn  10. Rall  17. Ese  
4. B i r g i t t a  11. jazzytower  18. mira  
5. Bjorn  12. Amrit Sinha  19. Dolores  
6. opie houston  13. Amrit Sinha  20. Rose from Team Netherworld  
7. Mish D Sky  14. HG  21. siggiofmaine  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Friends.. my apologies for being way behind on my reading.. I will be try to find the time and go back to read soon.. Thank you for hosting this.. (love the kigo prompts)..

  2. You made a very nice menu of prompts Mr Chevrefeuille, just to make this winter season a warm one...following your presentations and haiku is alays such a positive experience.

  3. I posted the only straw ku I had completed.. a wonderful prompt.. hopefully my favorite idea I had will fit somewhere else !
    The ku I had finished, I had to grab a photo, not the one of my own I got the inspiration from due to wifi problems...
    the inspiration came from seeing along the road, bales of hay, in two's, three's and more and they looked like they were in various situations... a bit off the wall, but struck my fancy and went back the year I saw them to take photos !

    Thanks for the lovely prompts... time for a power nap before getting up to go painting !

    Peace and love,
