Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Carpe Diem #680, Meadow

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

As time is flowing by I am already busy with the preparing of our prompt-lists for our next months. In April we will discover the Bhagavad Gita, the story of Arjuna, part of the Mahābhārata; in May we will go on trail with Matsuo Basho and in June we will have another month with modern kigo for summer as distilled from Jane Reichhold's "A Dictionary of Haiku", but that's all for later on.

Ok back to our Haiga Festival. Today our prompt is meadow and I recall that I have written more than one haiku, troiku or tanka about meadow and I found a really nice one which I wrote in June 2014. I composed this haiku in respons on one of our episodes on inspirational music. I have re-modelled it to a haiga.

warriors of the king
fighting for glory - in the meadows
the lowing of cows

© Chèvrefeuille

This episode is open for your submissions tonight at 7.00 PM (CET) and will remain open until March 8th at noon (CET). I will (try to) publish our new episode, puddles, later on. For now .... have fun, be inspired and share your haiga with us all.A wonderful haiga (how immodest), but I really like this haiga. Gives me a feeling of expansiveness as I see these meadows with that stone-circle in front of it. This photo shows the region around Drumbeg (UK) ...
Share your haiga inspired on our prompt for today, meadow, with us all here at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, the place to be if you like to write and share haiku.
1. Magical Mystical Teacher  10. Lovely Thing  19. Bastet_2  
2. Ese  11. Claude Lopez-Ginisty  20. Paloma  
3. From my Forest  12. jazzytower  21. opie houston  
4. Mark M. Redfearn  13. Haiku Plate Special  22. mira  
5. While in the Woods  14. Dolores  23. Reading Pleasure  
6. Sky  15. Tournesol  24. Meadow - a haiku  
7. Janice  16. Lovely Thing Haiga  25. Jackie Le P  
8. JazzBumpa  17. Thotpurge  
9. girl friday  18. Bastet_1  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. What a wonderful haiga, Chevrefeuille! Not sure if I commented back in June or not ... but today it really speaks to me. Great juxtaposition ---

  2. Chevrefeuille, you continue to amaze me. Every post is better than ever after 4 years nearly. If you want to put your haiku book or others into into print it can be done in Latvia for about 2.50e (only pay when there is an order)- they can be shipped directly to customers there, especially if you open a small shop at or - I suggest tictail for simplicity, Swedish company. It is free to do so and anyone can buy the book, money goes straight to your account and then printer can print book, Ese could post. You never put any money up front at all. For The Sake Of The Moon can also be sold this way. Of course I can set all up.

  3. Thank you for the wonderful prompt. I've jus begun to write haikus again recently and am pleased to find this blog.
