Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Carpe Diem #1039 Introductory episode for September 2016, Jane Reichhold's Legacy

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

even dead
the cockscomb flowers upright
in perfect order

© Jane Reichhold

It's one of the many beauties written by Jane Reichhold. Jane died, it was by her own choice, in the honorable age of 79. She will be missed by millions of haiku and tanka poets. I sure will miss her, but she will be in my heart forever and I hope to honor her here at CDHK, not only this month, but as long as CDHK will exist.

Jane, a close friend, one of the greatest haiku poets of Modern Times and a co-host at CDHK. This month is for her, a tribute to honor her and remember her. Are you with me?

Yesterday I was reading Jane's Saijiki "A Dictionary of Haiku" and in the New Year part, under "moods", the kigo: death thoughts got my attention. I wonder ... did Jane foresee her death?

a bird's flight
and then I am gone
and forgotten

the sea in me
goes home

meals cooked
and the lives I gave
the right to take mine

when I die
it will be
my ocean

© Jane Reichhold

Jane was suffering from Fibromyalgia she not longer could take the pain and she lost her eye sight for a big part. That depressed her, she couldn't live any longer and decided to end her life by jumping of a cliff into the ocean.

I honestly think Jane foresaw her own death as she was creating her Saijiki "A Dictionary of Haiku". She will not be forgotten, we will cherish her knowledge, her haiku and tanka. She will be forever part of CDHK.

R.I.P Jane ... we will meet again. This special Carpe Diem Haiku Kai month is for you, you will be missed forever ...


  1. Just decided to take a look around over here tonight and saw your tribute about Jane's passing, Kristjaan. I'm very sorry to hear of your friend's death but it would appear that she was ready to move on and chose her exit. I hope to be a part of some of the prompts in her honor in the coming days. May she rest in peace.
    Gayle ~

  2. Yes, I'm with you with Janes Legacy.
    Heres September 1st - Angels.
