Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,
Welcome at a new (a bit belated) episode in our Anniversary month October 2021. I had a busy day, so hadn't time to publish earlier. As I told you yesterday, this month we will "dive" into our (very) rich history to reprise older episodes to inspire you with.
Today I love to share (again / reprise) the first episode of November 2019. Back than we didn't know about Corona and lived our life as we all do in our own way. Maybe it was an episode that looked into the future, because it was an episode inspired on the deadpoem of Matsuo Basho. We all know what Corona did to the world, and still does.
Here is the first haiku for your inspiration, it's the haiku that is seen as Basho's deadpoem, his last poem or Jisei:
tabi ni yande yume wa kareno wo kake meguru
falling sick on a journey
my dream goes wandering
over a field of dried grass
© Basho (Tr. Chèvrefeuille)
A wonderful haiku for your inspiration I would say. Become one with the scene, become Basho as he wrote haiku while laying on his grass mat ... surrounded by his most close followers ... try to imagine the scene ... and create your own haiku.
Here is mine:
a last breath
taken by the wind of Autumn -
leaves dance on
© Chèvrefeuille
This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until next Saturday October 9th, 10:00 pm (CEST). You can add your submission to the linking widget hidden in our logo below.

Your haiku is beautiful Chevrefeuille.