Friday, May 13, 2016

Carpe Diem Extra May 13th Chained Together

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

I would like to hear your opinion about a new exclusive cdhk e-book 'Chained Together'. In this e-book I would love to gather all the Tan Renga Challenges and your responses of this month of Tan Renga Challenges,

I am looking forward to your opinion.


Chèvrefeuille, your host.


  1. Easy access to people's poems is always a good thing for all and makes a good reference in the library. Whatever opinions are, I think if you would like to build a library you should go ahead. I also must say that you give yourself a lot of extra work if it is a question of "permission." These are merely two lines and are done out of passion, and are not people's "work."
    I notice that on similar sites rules are tougher for participants: for example there is never a guarantee that people's poems will get published, and if you are lucky to get published in the emagazine on a haibun site they retain all rights to your work for 6 months - this is common, and stops people publishing elsewhere at the same time. So, getting published on Chevrefeuille's Publications is a privilege that is a rare one.
    Kindness sometimes is interpreted in the wrong way by some who are a bit naive, and I just hope woth all my heart people understand that.

  2. I have no problem with that.

  3. I agree. You put in so much effort for all of us. I would be honored to be included. Thank you for all the opportunities you

  4. I love that idea! Anything you need to accomplish this?

  5. What a great idea, Kristjaan!!

  6. Of course I only use your work linked to Carpe Diem Lolly. If I would like something else to use than I will ask permissions. So don't worry that I will use something which is not linked to Carpe Diem.
