Saturday, February 9, 2013

Carpe Diem Special #21, Chiyo-Ni's Spring Rain

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

After our short trip around the world we ended up in Japan yesterday and there we stay another day as I am sharing our next Carpe Diem Special written by Chiyo-Ni, our female haiku master of this month. I have found a really nice haiku written by her.

harusame ya utsukushiu naru mono bakari

Spring rain
everything just grows
more beautiful
Morning Glory

Isn't it a beauty?
sunny raindrops
sparkle like crystal
Spring rain
Spring rain
soothing and moisturizing -
her sound
Have fun and share your haiku inspired on the one by Chiyo-Ni and maybe in the same tone and Spirit as hers.
This prompt will stay on 'till February 11th 11.59 AM (CET) and I wil post our new episode, Stork (provided by Ese), later on today around 10.00 PM (CET) PS.: It could be somewhat later because I am in the nightshift.


  1. Lovely cascade, I particularly like the second one. And I love the prompt, though the snow is still deep here.

  2. Lovely cascading haiku ~ great post ~ !

    I did not use the same concept but used her 'style' ~ I thought ~

    Carol from (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  3. that second haiku is fantastic .. how you pointed out that it's not just the feel of the rain that's refreshing and calming but also the sound of it. lovely ^^

  4. Lovely cascade, both wonderful in different ways. Thank you :)

  5. Wonderful haiku... I love this one... Spring Rain. :-)
