Sunday, January 26, 2014

Carpe Diem #383 has delayed

Good day guys,

I am sorry, but I hadn't time to publish our new episode yesterday. I had a very busy day and couldn't find enough time to create the new episode. I hope to publish it later on today.
Sorry for the delay ...


Chèvrefeuille, your host.


  1. Kris,
    As far as I'm concerned, you take the time you need...just letting us know you are delayed is plenty for me.
    I am starting at the beginning and reading all the way thru, writing the posts as I go. I know which ones I did... hadn't realized that I was so affected by the Polar Vortex and the storms. We had a vicious ice storm...poor trees. The birches are bent and the hard woods... many are in pieces.

    Take care. I know how hard it is to "have a life" and work the night shift. Or any shift for that matter. It is important to me, that you take care of yourself and your family... I appreciate all the work you have put into these posts as I read them.

    Peace and love to you and your growing family,

  2. Kristjaan, we all have those periods...and I can't imagine having a night shift being as busy as you are.. I will try to write a little ahead .. tomorrow I'm leaving on a business trip to California.. but I will make sure to try to read and add as much as possible.
