Friday, August 5, 2016

Carpe Diem Extra August 5th 2016 Jane Reichhold passed away

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Today very sad news reached me through the mail. Jane Reichhold, one of our honored and loved co-hosts, passed away. I am still in shock. Jane was one of my friends and a renown haiku poetess. She followed Carpe Diem and complimented me with cdhk. She once said that Carpe Diem Haiku Kai was in her eyes the world's best haiku weblog.
As I have read Jane committed suicide. She had fibromyalgia and couldn't live longer with the pain this illness gave her.

I am thinking of a way to honor her here at cdhk ...

I will remember her as one of my closes friends and my muse. I couldn't have created cdhk without her kindness, her knowledge and her intense love for haiku. I am, and will be forever, grateful that she gave me permission to use all her work and the exclusive rights to publish her e-books.
To honor her one of my favorite haiku created by Jane.

afternoon sun
stepping down the steep cliff
shadow stairs

Jane Reichhold ... we will remember her as the Queen of Haiku.

Rest In Peace Jane

My thoughts and prayers are with Werner, her husband, and her family.



  1. Queen of Haiku
    Touching many with her words
    Her spirit lives on

  2. Sending you a hug cause you need one now.

  3. This is so very sad. I understand a boy getting to a point where they just can't take it anymore. I wish there had been a way to ease her pain.

    Her family, as well as all of you that knew her, are in my prayers.

  4. In Memory of Jane Reichhold August 5, 2016

    leaf flutter
    in the lightest breeze
    birds call

    Upon hearing of the death of Jane Reichhold a walk to write haiku. In memory of Jane Reichhold August 5, 2016. ©2016

    Rest in lightness and ease Jane Reichhold.

    in a rain shower
    seven colors

    By Jane Reichhold from
    Writing and Enjoying Haiku
    A Hands-on Book
    Kodansha International

  5. Such a shock! I just heard tonight of this tragic loss. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends (like you, Kristjaan).I feel blessed to have discovered this great poetess through you.

  6. This is sad news. Her talent was enormous, but through her haiku, and your "Ask Jane" feature, I felt like I knew her. I know you must be distraught, Kristjaan. I am so sorry.

  7. Jane and I made some haiga together, she the haiku and I the artwork.
    One of the haiga goes:

    if the sea wants it
    letting my hat fly
    off the cliff

    I will post the haiga on my Facebook page.

    Kuniharu Shimizu (Japan)

  8. Still in shock, Kristjaan. I know how her death has affected you. Be consoled, as with her family. She is at rest.
