Sunday, September 18, 2016

Carpe Diem #1058 wisdom

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

First ... I am becoming better the flu has gone, but it will take a few days to recover fully. Thank you all for your kind words.
Second ... As I published the results of our "prayer" kukai I also invited you to submit for our new kukai in tribute for Jane Reichhold. The submitting time is over (it ended September 15th), but I have to less submissions to start the judging. So I love to prolong this kukai in tribute for Jane with two weeks ... so if you want to submit haiku for this tribute for Jane kukai you can email your submissions to our email address until September 30th 10.00 PM (CET). You can find the tribute to Jane kukai information HERE.
Third ... today I planned to create a post on wisdom (our prompt for today), and I will do that, but I will not use haiku by Jane Reichhold, but I love to honor her wisdom in this episode. So here we go ...

As you all know Jane was one of the pillars on which CDHK is built and I was honored that I got the opportunity to get exclusive rights to publish three of her "bare bones school of ..." series here at CDHK.

caught in a few words

© Chèvrefeuille

And "fireworks" it was and is. Jane published three wonderful books on our beautiful Japanese poetry forms we honor here. First there was "the bare bones school of haiku". Than "wind-five folded school of tanka" and last but certainly not least there was "bare bones school of renga". All three books are a pleasure to read and a joy to use. Jane had not only the talent for writing haiku, tanka and renga, but she also had the talent to teach ... She always found the right words to explain things, as we all have seen in her CD-special feature "Ask Jane ...".
As I look at myself than I only can say that not only Matsuo Basho was my master, but Jane Reichhold also. She learned me to place the classic haiku in modern times and that all those rules haiku has are not that strict ... what I learned from her was this "In haiku you can share all your feelings your emotions your ideas without using the rules". "Look at Basho he said "now you know the rules, forget them immediately ... enjoy writing haiku". I think that is the most important rule, the most important thing I have learned from Jane's passion for haiku and tanka ... enjoy it.

enjoy the little things
see the shepherd's purse
beneath the hedge

© Chèvrefeuille

Jane was not only a close friend and co-host, but also my sensei ... I bow for you Jane ... thank you for your knowledge and wisdom ... my sensei

You can find the above mentioned e-books in Jane's Library here at CDHK.

For this episode I love to ask you to write about what you have learned from Jane Reichhold. Was she your sensei too? And try to catch that in a haiku, tanka or other Japanese poetry form.

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until September 24rd at noon (CET). I will try to publish our next episode, Harvest moon, later on.

PS.: I had planned to publish the 3rd CD-Special by Dolores also today, but I have decided to publish that 3rd CD-Special tomorrow, I hope you don't mind. It gives me more time to dive into Dolores' work.