Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Carpe Diem Extra September 20th 2016 our 4th anniversary

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

As you all know next month, October, we will celebrate our 4th anniversary. I am proud to have the opportunity to create another celebration month. As I started back in 2012 I couldn't have dreamed that Carpe Diem Haiku Kai would be still alive and kicking .... but we are.

Carpe Diem Haiku Kai cannot exist without you, my dear Haijin, without you who are part of this wonderful community of haiku poets from all over the globe (and beyond) Carpe Diem Haiku Kai is nothing. Therefore I wish to thank you all ... ARIGATO ... and I bow as deep as I possibly can ... like a "real" Japanese man

Why this CDHK Extra? I need your input for our celebration month. I have done already some pre-work of course, but I love to ask your input too. In our four years of existence we have had wonderful prompts, but also some lesser prompts, we also have had our heights and depths, but we always recovered from everything.
Which prompts you love to see back again in our celebration month? Do you have a special request for something we haven't done yet here? It's up to you ... let us celebrate like the warmhearted family we are ...



PS.: You can write your suggestions, the reprise prompts or something else in the comment field.


  1. My repeat request is "Carpe Diem Full Circle"

    Best wishes for another and many more years of Carpe Diem

    much love...

    1. Maybe i can bring all the special features together to celebrate.

  2. Wow!
    I think we could either do a reprise of the very first month; maybe not yet; or do a month with prompts based on features of the countries of current participants. Everyone can provide two featured. We have people from diverse countries, from Ghana to Latvia. People could choose the country they reside in or where they come from. Of course there might be too many prompts but that is ok. They can be selected.
    I live in Finland at the moment. I might provide Santa Claus (he lives in Rovaniemi; on the Arctic Circle apparently) or something related, and many other things.

    1. I like the idea of the prompts based on features of the countries of our participants. Thank you my friend.

  3. Happy anniversary, Kristjaan! I think it would be interesting to think of prompts that have something to do with everyday objects, such as utensils and tools, writing haiku and tanka on the essence of crafts - for example a blacksmith's hammer and anvil, a seamstress's needle, a cook's ladle. It's just an idea.

    1. Sounds great. Will be a challenge to create such a promptlist. I will give it a thought.

  4. Looks like you have had a great response so far! As Jane had other talents I am certain many in the group have vocations and avocations besides writing. Those could augment the utensils and tools suggestion. paint, paint brushes, lens, cameras etc.

  5. I find it hard to come up with suggestion - I like Forest Man's about countries - but why not put it on the level "what are our wishes for the world and for human kind" ? ... perhaps I'm flying too high ;)

    1. Thanks Birgitta wishes for the world. Not easy but manageable

  6. I would like more traditional Japanese music prompts.
    Also occasionally, some western haiku prompts which allow for humour as well. I think you had a Jack Kerouac prompt a long time ago.

    Wash hung out
    by moonlight
    Friday night in May

    Jack Kerouac

    I'd marry Joan of
    Arc for her spiritual
    way in the kitchen

    Charles Bukowski

    1. This is a nice idea. Western haiku like Jack Kerouac's sounds great.
