Monday, May 2, 2016

Carpe Diem Tan Renga Challenge Month May 3rd (3) " in the moonlight"

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

This month it's all about Tan Renga, that short chained renga in which two poets write a Tan Renga. For today's TRC I have chosen a haiku written by myself, so I will not write a second stanza this time, because of the fact that Tan Renga are written by two different poets.

Here is the first stanza (as published earlier on our twitter account):

in the moonlight
Wisteria flowers look fragile -
a gust of wind

© Chèvrefeuille

And now it is up to you my dear Haijin to write the second stanza of two lines towards this haiku to complete the Tan Renga.

This episode is open for your submissions tonight at 7.00 PM (CET) and will remain open until May 7th at noon (CET). Have fun! You can find our new first stanza for May 5th already on our twitter account. 


  1. Such a wonderful place with Wisteria (one of my favorite flowers) - a writers corner :)

  2. i am trying to figure out where to post my Tan Renga for May 9.

    1. You can post it in the linking widget beneath the post of May 9th.
