Friday, June 18, 2021

Carpe Diem #1845 Troiku Challenge: Summertime


Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Sorry it didn't go very well. I had hoped to post every day again, but don't have time enough. So today I decided to create you a new Troiku Challenge. More about Troiku you can find in the menu above.

I have chosen the theme Summertime for this Troiku Challenge, because here in The Netherlands we have a very warm, say hot, time with temperatures rising above 30 degrees Celsius, so yes it is Summertime here.

Summertime: Sun bathing, warm weather, heatwave, beaches and more to associate with Summertime. But for this episode it's just a haiku written by me, your host, to work with.

at the seashore
wind of summer through my hair
the shortest night

© Chèvrefeuille

The shortest night will be this weekend, than summer really starts on the Northern Hemisphere.

I think this haiku is great to create a Troiku with. Enjoy my dear Haijin.

This Troiku Challenge will be open until June 23rd 10:00 PM (CEST). You can add your submission to the linking widget below, hidden in our logo.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Carpe Diem #1844 Returning Back To Normal (I Hope)


Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Long time no see. yes I know the Covid pandemic made me decide to set our wonderful Haiku Kai on hold, but now ... 

Here in The Netherlands slowly we return to a normal life. Covid seems to be going away slowly and finally we can go to a pub or restaurant again. 

It has been a strange time and a tough time for me (and a lot of other healthcare workers), but now I think I can create our Haiku Kai again and I hope you all will be with me again.

Today, June 7th, I hope to start again with my daily posts, except the weekends. No special theme this month just trying to bring back the happiness of creating Haiku. So today ... we are going on a quest for a (new) Masterpiece.

Maybe you remember this feature, maybe not, but the goal is to create an all (new) Masterpiece, as for ecxample that world famous haiku by Matsuo Basho, the frogpond.

Today I love to share the above haiku with you all to inspire you. I think it fits our theme for today "Returning Back To Normal". Isn't that the goal of a pilgrimage? To find your way back to your Inner Self?

Enjoy the quest for a new masterpiece!

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until June 12th 10:00 PM (CEST). Have fun! Add your link to the linking widget below in our Logo.