Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Carpe Diem #254, Enthousiasm

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

We are almost at the end of this Carpe Diem month and I am longing to start with our new month August in which we will share haiku on the inspirational music of Karunesh I hope to get permission to use his music for this month of Carpe Diem.

OK ... back to our prompt for today. Today we share haiku, senryu, tanka or kyoka, on Enthousiasm. This word speaks for it's own and doesn't need explanation I think. So this episode will be a short one. Maybe a nice video for your inspiration.


For sure Liberace was an enthousiastic artist as you can see and hear in this "you tube" video. Maybe it inspires you all to write haiku on Enthousiasm.

every day again
I love to share my haiku
with Carpe Diem

with Carpe Diem
a dream came true for this haikuist
every day again

This prompt will stay on 'til July 26th 11.59 AM (CET) and I will post our new episode, Intuition, later on today around 8.00 PM (CET) !! Enthousiasme is open for submissions at 8.00 PM (CET) !!


  1. Yes, indeed you are an haiku enthusiast! Thanks for all you do and have done with this haiku site ~ Enjoy ^_^

  2. wonderful.. we all are enthused to write haiku everyday... :-)

  3. every day
    sharing enthusiasm
    and haiku

  4. Nice. So glad you share your enthusiasm (and knowledge) with us all.

  5. Enthusiasm...a hard one for me...
    but I took some time and thought,
    and met the challenge I think
    with a memory from the past.
