Thursday, December 17, 2015

Carpe Diem Special #187 Georgia's 3rd, a haibun "idyllic spring"

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

It's my pleasure to bring to you Georgia's 3rd CD-Special. We have already seen how gifted she is and she also writes wonderful haibun. A haibun, in which prose and poetry are entwined, is a short story that ends mostly with a haiku, sometimes there are also haiku embedded in the haibun as for example in our monthly theme "Narrow Road" that famous haibun by Basho (1644-1694).

For this CD-Special I have selected a haibun which Georgia (a.k.a. Bastet) wrote in December 2014. Have fun reading it and let the haibun inspire you.


Grassy steps led to an over-grown garden. Looking down Janice wondered who had built the walls and indeed, when those stony steps had last been used. The garden full of wild flowers was weed-choked but the sun filtered down invitingly. She began to descend, half-way down the stairs she stopped surprised.
Piercing the silence, a blood-curdling howl. Robin red-breast rises, screeching, into the sky.
She looked down the remaining stairs and saw a large brindled cat stride out from the undergrowth. Tail swishing she realized the hunter had lost his prey.

idyllic spring
among the wildflowers
the hunt continues

© G.s.k. ‘14

With this haibun went a photo by Bjorn Rudberg

Grassy Steps photo © Bjorn Rudberg
Sorry for being late with publishing.

This CD-Special is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until December 20th at noon (CET). I will try to publish our next episode later on today.


  1. Georgia, you are a poetess without rival!

  2. That was truly a superb concept in your haibun Georgia, and the way you wrote that concept was really very good, lush with nature, yet behind is the story and the philosophy. I liked that idea very much, and will try something similar, if I can, as I have not really focused on the workings of nature enough.
