Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Sign up for our second Renga party

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Last August we had our very first Renga Party and I love to create another Renga together with you all. This time I love to create a

“yoyoshi”, a renga of forty-four links. Maybe you can remember this "yoyoshi" from Carpe Diem #884, I shared a note about it in that post.

Our first Renga was a so called "kasen-renga" and had 36 links, so it was slightly shorter than the "yoyoshi".

For this "yoyoshi" I have asked Georgia (a.k.a. Bastet), our featured haiku poetess of this month, to write the starting verse or "hokku".

Here is the "hokku" of this "yoyoshi":

white dusted meadow
remembering spring’s glory
tufts of pampas grass

© Georgia (a.k.a. Bastet)

tufts of pampas grass

As you maybe remember you had to sign up for participating in the Renga Party. I will prolong that idea here again.

So if you would like to participate in this new edition of our Carpe Diem Renga Party "white dusted meadow" than please sign up and let me know it through the comments field of this post.
You can sign up for this new Renga Party until January 12th 2016 10.00 PM (CET)

I hope to see you all participating in this new Renga Party.


Chèvrefeuille, your host


  1. I would like to take part in the Carpe Diem Renga Party. please. I've not seen this before and am not sure how it works, but it looks interesting and exciting! When do you want the haiku?

  2. It was fun and a great learning experience participating in the last Renga Party and I would love to be a part of this one too.
    Nimi Arora

  3. Please add me to the list of party participants :-)


  4. Yes, please add my name. I don't know exactly how this works but will await further instructions.

  5. I would love to be a part of this!

  6. I would like to participate if you will have me?

  7. I would be honored to be a part of your Renga Party.
    Gayle Rose~

  8. I would like to participate please.

  9. Please count me in, Chev. A wonderful and happy new year to you. May the blessings of the Almighty be your portion and more.
