Sunday, July 21, 2019

Carpe Diem #1707 cooling on the porch (hashi-i), classical haiku

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Welcome at a new "regular" episode in our wonderful Summer Love month here at our Haiku Kai. Today I love to challenge you to create a (or more) haiku following the classical rules as you can read in our CDHK Lecture 1 (above in the menu). For this challenge I have chosen a classical kigo, extracted from the Shiki Saijiki, "cooling on the porch (hashi-i)", it's part of the section "summer", subsection "humanity".

Cooling On The Porch (Hashi-i)

Today's classical kigo to work with is very clear I think. Isn't it a joy to cool down on the porch with a nice beer or glass of wine after a warm summer day? I for sure would enjoy that, but I don't have a porch to cool down. After a warm (or hot) summer day I enjoy the coolness of my backyard. Sometimes completely naked, but not always of course. Our backyard gives us a lot of privacy, so resting there in the nude isn't a problem.

in the mansion's backyard
the breeze cherishes my naked body
ah! that sweet coolness ...

© Chèvrefeuille

Looks somewhat artificial, because I had some trouble to create this haiku in the classical way, as is the goal for today's challenge. Well ... you all know that I am not a big fan of the classical way of writing haiku. So to me this is a real "ordeal", but if I asked it of you I have to do it myself too.

If I would "redo" this one into my way of writing haiku than it would be:

in the backyard
the evening breeze

© Chèvrefeuille (experimental haiku)

Well ... I hope you all have enjoyed your weekend ... This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until July 28th at noon (CEST). I will try to publish our new episode later on.

Share your classical haiku inspired on this theme with us all here at our Haiku Kai, the place to be if you like to create and share Japanese poetry.

1. L. J. Lowe  4. Kim M. Russell  7. Madasahatter572  
2. Cressida  5. lynn__  8. Pat  
3. the real cie  6. Linda Lee Lyberg  9. Sara McNulty  

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1 comment:

  1. This brought memories of our porch growing up! So I couldn't stop at 3 lines but had to write tanka :)
