Sunday, January 18, 2015

Carpe Diem #650, First Rooster Crowing (hatsutori)

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

As you all know every new year starts with fireworks, but in haiku every new year starts with kigo like "first moon rising", "first dream" and so on. Today we have such a kigo for prompt. This time it's about Hatsutori, the first rooster crowing. After New Year's Eve and after the fireworks we go to bed, because life starts all over ... and after a festive New Year's Eve it's nice to go to sleep and dream about the future or the past, but than .... the first rooster crows as it starts to become light again. What a short night we had, but that first rooster crowing does help us to remember that life goes on ... nothing has changed, only the year has changed ...

As I was preparing this episode I couldn't find a proper haiku example for this prompt, but after quit a while of searching around on the internet I finally found a wonderful haiku written by Narayanan Raghunathan, one of the co-founders of Wonder Haiku World (a great website).

first rooster -
then one after another
three more

© Narayanan Raghunathan

Credits: Rooster
And another one which is composed by Kobayashi Issa, it's not really a haiku for the New Year's season, but I just had to share it here, because of the scenery it paints:

yûdachi no ura ni naku nari yane no tori

at the tail end
of the cloudburst crowing...
rooftop rooster

© Issa

Isn't it a wonderful scene? I can see that rooster upon the rooftop, he has a mighty overlook on the property of his boss, he sees the hens and chickens walk around the house ... and than he crows .... awesome scene ... 

daylight brightens
the rooster crows his sun greet -
the silence deepens

© Chèvrefeuille

In this haiku I just saw that rooster in front of my eyes while I was performing the sun greet, a yoga exercise. And than, as I ended my exercise and the rooster stopped crowing that silence was overwhelming ... an awesome way to start the day.

This episode is open for your submissions tonight at 7.00 PM (CET) and will remain open until January 21st at noon (CET). I will (try to) publish our new episode, Picking Young Greens (wakanatsumi), later on.

Share your haiku inspired on this classical kigo for the New Year season with us all here at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, the place to be if you like to write and share haiku.
1. 純粋  8. jazzytower  15. Paloma  
2. gillena  9. Debi  16. opie houston  
3. Magical Mystical Teacher  10. kaykuala  17. Bastet and Sekhmet's Library  
4. Mark M. Redfearn  11. Sky  18. Blake  
5. Lovely Thing  12. Dolores  19. Sara McNulty  
6. Bjorn  13. Haiku Plate Special  
7. B i r g i t t a  14. Hamish 'Managua' Gunn  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. first crowing...
    the new year

  2. Your haiku is just stunning, Kristjaan!! I could see this with the yoga exercise so clearly. Namaste
