Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Carpe Diem Special #60, Garry Gay's "river stones"

Dear haijin, visitors and travelers,

As you know this festive anniversary month I have permission to use haiku written by Garry Gay, a modern haiku-poet and photographer. Today the first Special of this month is titled "river stones".
The goal of this Special is to write a new haiku in the same sense, tone and Spirit as the one given of the featured haiku-poet. Garry writes his haiku in the non-classical style, so you don't have to use the classical syllables-structure 5-7-5, but if you like ... of course you may use the classic count.

Garry Gay

Garry Gay was born in Glendale, California in 1951. He received a BPA degree from Brooks Institute of Photography in 1974 and has been a professional photographer since his graduation. He is skilled in all formats and has been creating digital images since 1993. His award winning Polaroid Transfers have hung in numerous juried art shows. He is a proud member of Advertising Photographers of America, Film Arts Foundation, Friends of Photography, Artrails, and the Cultural Arts Council of Sonoma County.
Greatly influenced by Basho's Narrow Road to the Deep North, he has steadily been writing haiku from 1975 to the present. He is one of the co-founders of the Haiku Poets of Northern California, serving as their first president from 1989-1990. In 1991 he was elected president of the Haiku Society of America.

Copyrighted photo by Garry Gay

This photo, made by Garry himself (and copyrighted) is part of a haiku-website he made especially for his haiku. This website is meant to be a kind of visual book on haiku. With this photo came the following haiku, which is the one for your inspiration.

river stones
along her garden path
wet with dew

My attempt to write a haiku in the Spirit of Garry Gay's haiku:

dew drops shimmer
on the leaves of the Blue Iris -
sound of a windchime

Have fun, be inspired and share your haiku in the same sense, tone and Spirit with our Haiku Kai. This episode will stay on 'till October 4th 11.59 AM (CET) and I will post our new episode, Circle (provided by Lolly), later on today around 7.00 PM (CET). !! This CD-Special by Garry Gay is open for submissions at 7.00 PM (CET) !!


  1. wish I'd known about the No Cal Poets
    What beautiful work.
    I love that so many poets are expressive in many forms of art
    Thanks so much for highlighting Garry's work

  2. Loved this prompt and a wonderful haiku.. Very inspiring .. and you lead the way into that garden.

  3. My first time here...

  4. What a beauty and you did justice with your's Kristjaan:-) I laboured with this but not happy with the outcome-sigh!Am off to bed now-will be back to read other entries and write some more tomorrow.

  5. I was able to post...and it is listed, so I'm gaining ground !

    This was a wonderful lesson by Garry Gay.
    Kristjaan, I agree with Atreyee that your haiku in the post s wonderful.
