Sunday, December 6, 2015

Carpe Diem Extra #42 Old Bamboo Wind Chimes


Old Bamboo Wind Chimes a new CDHK e-book by Georgia (a.k.a. Bastet) the winner of our "Peace of Mind" kukai.

You can find it at the right side of our Kai.




  1. An intense volume, Georgia, and superb edting by Chèvrefeuille. None the more intense than your Kikôbun, which was an emotionally draining experience to read even - and I mean that in the most positive way possible in the circumstances. A truer Kikôbun there has not been.

  2. Congratulations, Georgia! It's a pleasure to read. Thanks for sharing with us, Chèvrefeuille.

  3. Oh my, what peace this brings to the reader! This collection is a treasure. Congratulations to Georgia and thanks to Chevrfeuille for making this work possible.

  4. How beautiful !!!
    And treasure rhymes with pleasure.
    Just saying :-)

  5. Thanks for sharing and making this possible. Just started reading and it is a beautiful book.

  6. Thanks for Georgia for sharing your inner depth with us. Did enjoy reading the collection. And to Kris, kudos for this compilation

  7. Congratulations, dear Georgia!

  8. I wish to thank you all for having read 'Old Bamboo Wind Chimes' and your loving comments and congratulations.

    The news that I'd won the October Kukai came in one of the darkest moments of my life. Writing the book and working on it with my son, Sisko Black (Francesco Neri) was cathartic for us both and helped us find our peace of mind. I wish to especially thank Chèvrefeuille for all his warm understanding and for having made this book possible through the Chèvrefeuille Publications. Namaste Georgia (Bastet)

  9. Love your book Georgia...a beautiful mix of forms,sadness, loss and joy.I am so pleased you had an opportunity to write this book.Congratulations once again

    How lovely of you to give a tribute to our very own angel Chevrefeuille who instinctively manages to pull us out of the doldrums when we most need it.

  10. Congratulations Georgia.Lovely and soul stirring compilation!

  11. Georgia,
    I truly enjoyed the variety of the collection. I was especially happy to see the appearance of the troiku. The masterful pulling us back to your narrations on "peace of mind" was artful. I was delighted to see the pulling in of the masters Issa and Chevrefeuille, a nice touch I thought. Very nicely done:)
