Monday, December 21, 2015

Carpe Diem Seven Days Before Christmas 2015 #5 Peace

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

We are counting down to Christmas and today we are just a few days apart from Christmas. In my opinion one the most beautiful holidays we have. Very classical said "Around Christmas we are all talking about Peace all over the world and pray for that to happen. As we look to the world nowadays than ... peace is far away ... remember for example the terrorist attack in Paris and that's just one example. I think there will be several more, but than this would become a depressed post and that's not what I want to happen.

I love to look back ... for a moment ... we had a whole month full of posts about "peace of mind" and we had that wonderful kukai "peace of mind". In my opinion we only can reach peace as we have peace of mind, because than our intentions are real and honest ... than we can bring peace into the world ... starting with our own neighborhood.

Starting in our own neighborhood will bring world peace a little bit closer and in this time of year ... Christmas time we are all hoping for the same ... peace that will last forever in which we all can live in harmony with nature and with each other ...

That is my message for you all and for the world around us .... peace that will last forever in harmony with nature and with each other ...

Credits: Peace
And here is my gift for you all:

scent of Jasmine
sound of a gurgling brook
peace of mind

© Chèvrefeuille

And for closure I love to share a music video (created by: Very Sweetify) ... for sure you will know this song ....

This episode of Carpe Diem Seven Days Before Christmas is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until December 23rd 10.00 PM (CET). Have fun!


  1. Wishing you the merriest of Christmases. Thank you for all you do to teach us the art and spirituality of haiku. Be assured of my prayers for your father and that I am joining with you in prayers for peace.

  2. There's no link? I'll share mine here. I hope that's


  3. Here's mine. Hoping your father is doing better.


  5. I'm so sorry to hear your father is ill again -- hoping he is well and home again soon.

  6. May Peace be with you and your family ... my thoughts are with you in these days. Bastet

  7. So grateful for all your teachings and encouragement. May the joy and peace of the Season by yours for days on end, Chev. Keeping your father in prayers.


    Peace and good will to all men !

  9. Kristjaan, thank you for all that you do and mentoring in the spirit of waka. I will be keeping your father in my prayers.
