Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Carpe Diem #1074 knitting wool


Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

What a joy it is to create an every day episode based on prompts. Today (sorry for being late, I am on the nightshift) I have another nice tool for art and creativity for you ... today our prompt is knitting wool and I think that needs no more explanation.

With knitting wool you can create wonderful woolen clothes, but also more creatively, puppets and as you can see hereafter ... a spiderweb:

spiderweb made from knitting wool
Or what do you think of this "Guerilla Knitting" or "Yarn Bombing" a new kind of playing with knitting wool to decorate trees with it or other objects like busses and caravans.

Guerilla Knitting
I am not that good in knitting, but I can appreciate the above use of knitting wool. Looks awesome and makes trees even more beautiful.

And what do you think of this ... pockets for plants:

Well ... how to create / write a haiku or tanka on knitting wool?

I have given it a try and "knitted" the following haiku:

knitted jackets
coloring the trees in town -
everlasting spring

© Chèvrefeuille

Well .... good luck and have fun!

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until October 15th at noon (CET). I will try to publish our next episode, our 2nd Universal Jane, later on.

Share your "knitted" haiku or tanka with us all here at our Haiku Kai.

1. Cressida  6. petra domina  11. Sri Sudha K  
2. Thotpurge  7. Kim M. Russell  12. B i r g i t t a  
3. Noor  8. Woodsman  13. Sara McNulty  
4. Paloma  9. Virginia Popescu  
5. Noor II  10. Helene  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

1 comment:

  1. Yarn Bombing is so much fun - those colorful artworks around town always make me smile. Love the mood of your haiku, Chèvrefeuille!
