Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Carpe Diem Extra #31 2015 "Juxtaposition" kukai judging

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

It took some more time, but I finally have the anonymous list of our third kukai "juxtaposition" ready. I have published it on the kukai page which you can find in the menu above.

This kukai was not an easy one I think. There were lesser submissions than we had in our second and first kukai. It was really a challenge this time ... well it doesn't really matter, because the kukai is just for fun.

Of course there will be a winner and a runner-up this time too and you all know what that means. If you are the winner than you have won the opportunity to create an e-book with a maximum of 50 haiku or 30 pages and you will be the featured haiku poet/ess in November 2015. And our runner-up will the central poet in the first Tokubetsudesu-episode of November 2015. Why November? Well ... September is almost there and in October we are celebrating our third anniversary and that will be a great month. So this time the winner and the runner-up have to wait a little bit longer.

Today I will start our fourth kukai. This time I hope that there will be more contributors to the kukai, because I have chosen the following theme:


You can submit a maximum of three (new) haiku, only haiku, inspired on "Peace of Mind" and email them to: carpediemhaikukai@gmail.com please write "kukai peace of mind" in the subject line. You can submit your haiku until September 25th at noon (CET), so you have one month to respond.

Than I have another announcement to make. I have created the e-book "Bare Bones School of Renga" by Jane Reichhold and it's now available at our Haiku Kai exclusively. You can find it at the right side of our Kai. (By the way: it's the first version)


Chèvrefeuille, your host.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lolly,

    I am sorry, but that's not possible yet, but I will share your question with our other family members of cdhk. I think they will have no problems with it. As i look at it myself í would say 'yes', but for this round of voting/judging it's not possible. Sorry.
