Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Update: my dad's health

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

I love to update you. My dad is still on the ICU, next to a severe pneumonia he has a major heart attack. He is on the respirator and they keep him in an artificial coma. Last evening we had a talk with the doctor and he has told us that my dad has a very low chance to recover from this pneumonia and heart attack. He told us to prepare for dad's death.
This night is critical. As my dad this night survives maybe he will recover, but the doctor was very clear about his chances ... so my family and I are preparing on the worst scenario.

Thank you all for your love, thoughts and prayers.

Chèvrefeuille, your host

PS. I think you all will understand that during these circumstances I don't have time to publish our posts. My apologies ...

so fragile
the strong old oak
hears the sound of the ax

© Chèvrefeuille


  1. prayers for your family. your haiku is so poignant - it brought tears to my eyes,

  2. My thoughts are with you and your family, Kristjaan...

  3. My thoughts are with you and your family, Kristjaan. Sending love and strength.

  4. This is a very trying time, and it is good you have your family around you. My thoughts are with you, and your haiku was just so, so powerful, and the right way for therapy.

  5. Am praying for you and your family, Kristjaan!

  6. Take all the time you need, Chèvre. Thinking of you, your father, and family in this fragile moment...

  7. Although it's been a long time since I've visited Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, I read the news of your dad with great sadness, Kristjaan. During this difficult and uncertain time, may you and your family find the spiritual comfort and strength you need.

    Even as the axe
    bites into the old oak tree,
    a nightingale sings.

  8. Sending prayers for your father, Chev. It is well.

  9. I had hoped that sharing the haiku I composed for my grandfather's funeral would be premature here. My disappointment is trivial compared to your loss. I am so sorry.

             He died in the spring.
             New buds on trees near his grave
             consoled the mourners.

  10. I clasp my palms together to the supreme universe for mesafety and wellness of the sick and his near and dear ones !

    may your father regain his heaith !
    I pray from my heart and there is no doubt im my mind that this prayer shall reach your father's soul for I am an entity made of the same elements like yours and your father !
    budham saranam gachchami

  11. I pray for the dear departed ! In this tough time , my heart is with you and your family !

    milan rajkumar
