Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Carpe Diem #307, Kari (Goose)

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

This month of Carpe Diem with all those wonderful classical Japanese kigo is nearing it's end, so our prompts that are still coming up this month are also autumn kigo nearing winter. So today our prompt is Kari (Goose), these great birds are going to the south to escape the cold winter and to have their youngsters elsewhere. I like those V-formations in which they fly and I can enjoy looking at that very much.

Credits: Geese on track (a Dutch website)

Isn't it an awesome image? Geese departing for the warmer regions flying before the sun.

A nice haiku written by Buson I love to share here:

kariji ikkou no kari ya hayama ni tsuku wo insu

calligraphy of geese
against the sky--
the moon seals it

And what do you think about this haiku by Basho?

geese's come time
more red

Cockscombs (Celosia cristata) have reddish leaves all year turning deeper red about the time that geese fly south to Japan as winter approaches. Basho draws directly from the literal meaning of the Chinese name for cockscomb: "geese come red".

Credits: Cockscomb

My attempt to write a haiku on Kari (goose):

cockscombs redder
winter is nearing - geese take of
over the 'Route du Soleil' (*)

(*) Route du Soleil, is the common way to travel to Spain from The Netherlands.

in V-formation
pointing to the warm southern countries -
autmn's departure

I hope you enjoyed the read and I hope that it will inspire you all to write your haiku on Kari (goose). This prompt will stay on 'till September 27th 11.59 AM (CET) and I will post our next episode of Carpe Diem, the last Special by our featured haiku-poet O.Mabson Southard, later on today around 7.00 PM (CET).
!! Kari (goose) is open for your submissions at 7.00 PM (CET) !!


  1. A very good prompt for autumn. I like it very much. So I've postponed some work and could write on the topic. Thanks!

  2. Geese are symbolic in my life so I appreciate the honor you give this fine bird

  3. In what way are geese so symbolical for you Leslie?

  4. Geese is a lot of autumn to me...

  5. I would really prefer to have time to read and comment on others' haiku. I'm sorry I can't. I feel I have been missing quite a lot.
