Thursday, April 7, 2016

Carpe Diem Extra April 7th 2016 obituary

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Just because I am so grateful for all of your support during the last two weeks I love to share a photo of my dad. You may say it's a kind of obituary, but its just to give a face to the words I wrote here at CDHK during these last weeks.

My father was born on April 6th 1929, he had a tough life, but became "king" of his own family. He stood at the birth of the polder, the place where I am living. My dad built the polder from the mud to what it has become today. The polder was his life and he shared his love for the polder with us his family and a lot of friends and colleagues.
My dad was (at least to me) the best dad and friend I could ever have and I will miss him dearly, but I will remember him as the father who was my role model, my teacher ... he made me whom I am now. He and I could have discussions about very different themes until far beyond midnight. I can only hope that I, maybe just a little, am such a good father to my children and grandchildren.

spirit grows -
from the bottom of the pond
into the light
the Lotus reaches from the deep -

© Chèvrefeuille

Rest In Peace Dad ... March 29th 12:35 hr.


  1. A beautiful tribute, Kristjaan. He was such a handsome man. May his soul rest in peace.

    his last breath
    as the oak sheds its leaves
    sleep on

  2. Such a tiuching tribute ! may the creator keep his soul in peace !

    under the shade
    so many offsprings
    fallen oak

  3. Beautifully done, my friend.

  4. a beautiful man
    loved by his children - what more
    can you want from life
