Thursday, September 8, 2016

Carpe Diem #1048 stones

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Welcome at a new episode of our tribute to Jane Reichhold month here at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai. I think we, as a warmhearted family of haiku poets, can give Jane the tribute and the honor she deserves, without her there maybe wasn't a Carpe Diem Haiku Kai anymore. I have a lot to be grateful for all what Jane did for our Carpe Diem Haiku Kai ... so as I heard of her passing away I just had to be sure to create something in honor of her. So here it is, after our special Theme Week last month, we now have a whole month to honor her. And (maybe) you have read about that special feature I will create in honor of her, "Universal Jane", I hope to cherish her legacy here at CDHK.

Today our prompt is stones and it was inspired on what happened with Jane, she choose by herself to end her life by jumping of a cliff, so this stones prompt triggers tears, but we know she couldn't live any longer with the pain of fibromyalgia and the partially loss of her sight.

Here are a few haiku which Jane created as an example for this modern kigo:

moon meditation
in a glow of sparkles
the stone peaks

when stones speak
of running water

tree stone
on its jagged edge
moon blossom

© Jane reichhold

moon blossom
Stones ... I have written (a lot of) haiku about them, so I dived into my archives again and found a nice one which I love to re-produce here to help your inspiration:

a couple of frogs
between the stepping stones
looking disturbed

© Chèvrefeuille

And another one, also from my archives:

timeless beauty -
the glint of polished pebbles
in the crystal brook

© Chèvrefeuille

And ... well I couldn't stay behind, I had to create a new haiku as well to honor Jane.

high above the sea
rising from the ancient earth
white cliffs

© Chèvrefeuille

I hope I have inspired you to create haiku, tanka or another Japanese poetry form. This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until September 13th at noon (CET). I will try to publish our next episode, frogs and fish, later on. For now ... have fun.

Share your haiku, tanka or other Japanese poetry form inspired on this prompt with us all. Have fun!

1. Kim M. Russell  7. B i r g i t t a  13. W  
2. Elsie Hagley  8. Ken G. / rivrvlogr  14. Nicole Pottier  
3. 白い蝶  9. Sky  15. Janice/ Ontheland  
4. Pat (jazzytower )  10. Paloma  16. Sri Sudha K  
5. Pat (jazzytower) II  11. dolores  17. Virginia Popescu  
6. Xenia Tran  12. Reading Pleasure  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. I'm so sorry about Jane. What a beautiful tribute to her soul and spirit. I love to read and write haiku, so I hope to get to know everyone and participate.

  2. Another great post. I think no-one has your perception in writing - and reading - haiku. I saw your connentvon Ese's haiku on facebook. I was humbled to realise that only you quickly saw it was a tribute to Jane. This depth is the difference..!

  3. Dear Kristjaan,

    I do hope you are coping well with life. Please I have a little observation to make and I am sure my dear Hamish will support me on this when he reads this.

    I have observed that haijin who are part of CDHK hardly visit the blog of fellow of haijins to comment or even like the works they post on the blogs. This is worrying to me. I know we all do not have time on our hands, but for the sake of fellow feeling,the bonding and love we have found on CDHK, I believe it is only complimentary for us to visit each other more frequently on the blogs.

    We may not need validation when we write and post on our blogs but hei if no one reads and comment or critique, how do we grow.

    Please I think it would be nice if you add this to the daily prompts that all must endeavor to visit each other. Thank you and have a blessed day.

    1. Dear Celestine,

      Thank you for your thoughts on this. I hope to create a post on this a.s.a.p. because I know that this is a "problem".

  4. Carpe Diem Challenge # 1048 Stones:

    sunlit stone
    a yellow butterfly pausing
    to feel the warmth

    1. A nice scene the fragile beauty of the butterfly seeking the warmth.
