Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Carpe Diem Extra #4, Autumn in my hometown

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

As I was on my way home this morning, I had nightshift, I saw how autumn has come ... all those wonderful colors and the perfume of the decaying leaves were overwhelming and I decide to make a walk through my neighborhood to shoot some photos.

I love to share them here with you all ... so look how my hometown looks in autumn.

colorful leaves
everywhere I look ... autumn -
Ah! that sweet perfume

the city-park
changes his outfit -
autumn is there

golden leaves
like the sunlight
what a wonder

along the highway
trees and bushes change
thousand colors

in the morninglight
trees look like a treasure chest -
autumn has come

I hope you liked this "Carpe Diem Extra" and now you have an idea of my hometown in the lowlands of The Netherlands. Autumn ... saying goodbye to summer.



  1. I'm enjoying the water in the photos, Kristjaan. We don't get to see much of that here in the desert! ;)

  2. Your pix resemble the fall here in massachusetts....My favorite line, the one that resonated with me, was 'the city park changes his outfit'....thanx for sharing today

  3. Stunning post - a wonderful feel, something of a tiny 'Narrow Roads' to it. Thank you, very interesting too.

  4. Look like you still have beautiful autumn.. here the leaves have all fallen.. and soon it's enter the grey winter... wonderful haiku picturebook..

  5. I love the colours of autumn so much that it makes up for the cold and damp, these haiku warm me thoroughly

  6. Beautiful photos and haiku. Agree with Joanne that your photos are not that different from the Northeast US.

  7. Thank you for sharing these with us. It's nice to see where you live, and I like the haiku.

  8. Thanks for sharing the beauty of your home

  9. Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos and haiku. We are winding down the colors on the Downeast Coast of Maine. Still some blaze of glory colors that pop out.

  10. Those are so beautiful so are the pictures. We have yet to get the wonderful colors but I'm excited to see them. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Wow! Beautiful photographs and such wonderful haiku. Lovely!
