Friday, January 22, 2016

Carpe Diem Renga Party #2 white dusted meadow (startdate: January 22nd 2016)

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

What a joy to bring the start of our new Renga Party "white dusted meadow". It's the second time we are doing this and I hope you all will like it. Let me first tell you the goal of this Renga Party. Making a Renga together is just for fun and it learns you how you can improve your haiku writing skills through association.

Every link, in this Yoyoshi 44, has it's own season or theme which are already given in the list. In the list you can see BOLD printed abbreviations, which are explained above the list, which correspond with the season or theme you have to use.

The link before you you have to use to associate on to write your own link. I have a little time rule: you have to respond within 24 hours to write your link. Your created link you write down in the comments field including an invitation to the one after you e.g. it's your turn Hank.

Our first Renga was a so called "kasen-renga" and had 36 links, so it was slightly shorter than the "yoyoshi". For this "yoyoshi" I have asked Georgia (a.k.a. Bastet), our featured haiku poetess of last December, to write the starting verse or "hokku".

Here is the "hokku" of this "yoyoshi":

white dusted meadow
remembering spring’s glory
tufts of pampas grass

© Georgia (a.k.a. Bastet)

The title of this Yoyoshi is the first line of the hokku.

Here is our list for this Renga Party:
white dusted meadow

[SP=spring; SU=summer; A=autumn; W=winter; N=non-seasonal or free as in without theme]

A few basis rules to remember. Avoid repeating a noun or verb in the work. Switch subject matter so there are not too many verses on food or water, etc. Link ONLY to the verse above and not to any other. Use the words "insects" and "dreams" only once in a poem.

1. [3] SP Georgia -- hokku
2. [2] SP Kim Russell
3. [3] SP Nimi Arora
4. [2] N Jazzytower
5. [3] MOON/A Candy
6. [2] A Dove Dungeon

7. [3] A Dove Dungeon
8. [2] N/LOVE Writersdream9
9. [3] N/LOVE Ese Klava
10. [2] N/LOVE Dolores
11. [3] N Thom Amundsen
12.[2] N Gayle Rose
13. [3] MOON/SU Hank (Kaykuala)
14. [2] SU Lothar
15. [3] SU Christy
16. [2] N Celestine
17. [3] FLOWER/SP Milan
18. [2] SP Chèvrefeuille

19. [3] SP Chèvrefeuille
20. [2] N Georgia
21. [3] N Kim Russell
22. [2] N Nimi Arora
23. [3] W Jazzytower
24. [2] W Candy
25. [3] N/LOVE Dove Dungeon
26. [2] N/LOVE Writersdream9
27. [3] N/LOVE Ese Klava
28. [2] N Dolores
29. [3] MOON/A Thom Amundsen
30. [2] A Gayle Rose

31. [3] A Gayle Rose
32. [2] N Hank (Kaykuala)
33. [3] N Lothar
34. [2] N Christy
35. [3] FLOWER/SP Celestine
36. [2] W Milan

37. [3] SU Milan
38. [2] N Chèvrefeuille
39. [3] N Georgia
40. [2] A Kim Russell
41. [3]  N Nimi Arora
42. [2] W Jazzytower
43. [3] SP Candy
44. [2] SP Dove Dungeon, should relate to #1 in some way and close the work -- ageku

Well ... I hope you all like this list and I hope this Yoyoshi will become a beauty as was our first "kasen-renga" in our first Carpe Diem Renga Party.

Have fun!

By the way: Georgia your hokku is already on, so the first who has to write a link is Kim Russell.


  1. Here is the hokku again.

    white dusted meadow
    remembering spring’s glory
    tufts of pampas grass

    © Georgia (a.k.a. Bastet)

    It's your turn Kim Russell

    1. I think I know what has happened; it isn't recognising me, so I have posted my contribution and created a link - so here it is again:

      each crystal or flake
      piece of a larger jigsaw
      covering earth’s green

      © Kim M. Russell, 2016

    2. One more try:

      each crystal or flake

      piece of a larger jigsaw

      covering earth’s green

      © Kim M. Russell, 2016

      Over to you Nimi Arora

    3. crystals and flakes a jigsaw
      blanket covering earth’s green

      © Kim M. Russell, 2016

      Over to you Nimi Arora

  2. MOON/SU Hank(Kaykuala) Hank's contribution

    A dreamer’s delight
    Fun summer night festivals
    Food and free concerts

    It's your turn Lothar


  3. Hank's contribution:

    A dreamer’s delight
    Fun summer night festivals
    Food and free concerts

    It's your turn Lothar


  4. Wow, Kristjaaen, you are so good to do this for us. It must be hard to keep track of everything. From my heart to yours, thank you!

  5. Just thought, do we post on our blogs and link here? Sorry.

    1. you write you reply here and if you like, as some did last renga, you can post the renga results as they grow. Bastet

  6. I'm already confused as I don't see Kim Russell's response but Hank's instead. And what do the numbers in parentheses correspond to...are they the number of lines we write? Thank you for clarifying.
    Gayle ~

    1. The numbers between [] are pointing to the lines of the link that can only be 3 or 2 lines.

  7. Hi Georgia, I have tried to add my contribution and nothing seems to be working. I even posted and linked it. I'm going to restart my laptop and come back to see if it's appearing on this page. Sorry for the hassle. I feel terrible for breaking the chain. :(

  8. Dear Kim your link is published, but you had to write a two-lined stanza. Is it possible that you rewrite your stanza of three lines in to two lines?

    1. Kristjaan, please forgive me for messing this up. It's my first time doing this and I was so engrossed in writing my link I didn't look at the number in the square brackets. I have changed it so it now has two lines and it has been posted. I will try to be on the ball for the next part! Once again, many apologies for the mistakes. Kim :}

    2. Doesn't matter Kim ... writing renga is for fun and i hope you will enjoy it. Thank you for your link change to 2 lines.

  9. It is possible that your link written here in the comment field isn't seen immediately, because I have to read every comment before i publish them. Of course i will do that every day.

  10. From the start -

    white dusted meadow
    remembering spring’s glory
    tufts of pampas grass © Georgia (a.k.a. Bastet)

    crystals and flakes a jigsaw
    blanket covering earth’s green © Kim M. Russell, 2016

  11. Now, my turn :)

    Warmth forsaken
    puzzle of colors scatters
    -Balloons depart

    --Nimi Arora


  12. At the end of the trail a
    cleansing breath of mountain air
    -Pat R

    On to you Candy

  13. full moon shines
    through barren tree branches
    twisted shadows

    ... your turn Dove Dungeon

  14. the cricket asks for the dawn
    in sweet tones of love for you

    It's your turn Ese!

  15. I've started a page for this Renga Party. It makes it easier to read. Here's the link if interested.

    1. Ese is on twitter but I can't remember the name of her acct there. Will try.

    2. Good for you Dolores ... I did the same thing and made it a sticky post on Bastet and Sekhmet's Library -

      ... Bastet

    3. Thanks, Dolores. It's nice to have it all laid out like that. My first go at this type of "party."
      Gayle ~

  16. the creak of door
    still breathless after parting kiss
    i meet the morning

    Sorry for being so late - this had slipped my mind completely!
    Thank you for reminding, Georgia! :)

    Now it's all in your hands, Dolores!

  17. words of a new haiku
    mingling with my heart

  18. love create melody
    capture natural sound

    On to you Gayle ....

  19. love create melody
    capture natural sound
    peace in harmony

    sorry, forgot the third line - now onto you Gayle ...

  20. nature's stillness sighs
    overhead owl's soundless flight

    Your turn, Hank

  21. Kristjaan, Hank and Lothar have not responded for a few days. I also know they posted early in the line up so maybe they do not know it is their turn now. In any case if it is easier and directed by you I would be glad to go ahead with my turn. Just let me know and give me 24 hours to respond and I will pick up the ball with my three lines.

    1. Go ahead with your turn Christy. I will notice Lothar.

  22. Descending on prey
    Memories of fireworks
    Searing heat explodes

    I went ahead since Hank already posted earlier. Kristjaan, please determine who is next.

    1. Sorry for delaying. I wasn't online for some time.

    2. At the pier feet in water
      Summer moon riding the waves

      Christ, it's your turn!

      PS. Sorry for the delay!

    3. As far as I am concerned, your three lines fit!

  23. I'm so sorry for coming in late. By my calculations I reckoned my turn would be today.So sorry.

    Here are my two lines:

    our bodies on fire
    dousing the winter cold

    You are next Milan.

  24. Kristjaan, I'm so sorry for coming on late. I was under the impression that I was linking up today.

    Here are my two lines:

    our bodies set ablaze
    dousing the winter cold

    Milan, you are next.

  25. Thanks Celestine
    Here is mine

    spring fever
    passion increases
    red plum blossoms !

    Sorry Kristjaan for the lateness !

    your turn now , please !

  26. It's okay Milan. Thanks. Here is my first link (2 lines):

    one single tulip shows her face
    first encounter with new life

    And this is the following 3 lined stanza:

    the old mansion
    comes alive after the darkness
    old cherry blooms

    Your turn now Georgia ...

  27. lovely Kristjaan:

    carpeting the front lawn
    flurry of pink snow

    Stanza 21 - Hello Kim, it's your turn!

  28. I have tried to move the focus from below to above!

    circadian sky
    marking time with solar pulse
    azure canopy

    Over to you Nimi

  29. Thanks Kim

    clumsy flapping of first flight
    buoyant with adventurous dreams

  30. the noon day sun peeks
    through gray winter clouds
    boisterous flutter

    You're next Candy

  31. flocks of blackbirds robed like monks
    gather offerings of seed

    your turn Dove Dungeon

  32. Beautiful, everyone!

    the tenderness of the rose
    comforts her deep longing

    Okay, Ese, you're on!

  33. a hint of sunset
    paints her toenails on window sill
    -is he coming?

    It's all in your hands now, Dolores!
    PS: Once again my apologies for delay!

  34. long shadows fall
    mingling with daydreams

  35. whimsy night caress
    sweet breeze serenade sundress
    delicious duress

  36. first tide laps the jagged shore
    shrike fish the shallow inlet

    juicy persimmon
    crimson orange reflects sunset
    dragonfly alights

    Your turn, Hank.

  37. 32. [2] N Hank (Kaykuala)

    Dragonfly stops in transit
    Just so to rest for the night

    Your turn Lothar

  38. Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

    As you all can see and read, the renga has been broken, but in this case Lothar can not do something about it, because he has problems with his Internet. So I have decided to step in and write the next chain in our renga.

    early Sunrise
    children play on the beach
    dragonkite against the sky

    It's your turn Christy

  39. Thank you Kristjaan. I will post something in the next 24 hours.

  40. Storming the sandcastle
    Marauding gulls dip and dive

    Your turn Celestine!

  41. Thank you Christy

    ah the blooms
    spring’s shimmer

    Your turn, Milan.

  42. Thank you Celestine !

    Here is my two liner

    here and there on dry branches
    gardenia of snowflakes

    And the three liner ;

    above the hillocks
    pine needles' and wild plums' smell
    taste of cool rice wine

    over to you Kristjaan , pl .

  43. in front of the fireplace
    red shadows on the white walls

    Your turn Georgia

  44. Thank you Kristjaan for advising me that the Renga has restarted. Love your verse ..

    flickering stories
    children make shadow ducks
    laughter fills the air

    It's your turn Kim.

  45. Thank you, Georgia, for giving me such a lovely haiku as inspiration!

    gardeners rake fallen leaves
    crackling on the damp bonfire

    © Kim M. Russell, 2016

    Over to you, Nimi.

  46. Thanks Kim. Great to be back at the Renga Party.

    tapping feet
    the beating drums
    bushes sway

    --Nimi Arora

    Your turn now, Jazzytower :)

  47. Something went wrong Jazzytower couldn't link her stanza so she has asked me to link it to the Renga Party. So here it is, the stanza written by Jazzytower:

    as the rhythm fills the air
    first snowflakes fall from the sky

    Your turn Candy

  48. covering the ground
    tender white plum blossoms
    early morning
    on to you Dove Dungeon

  49. Here is the entire Renga

    1. Thank you Dolores it has become a beauty again.

  50. Kristjaan, if you do this again, I would love to take part. It is the first time I've seen this and it looks like great fun.

    1. Dear Petru, i will start a new renga-party around the summer-solstice (June 21st). Soon to come a call to subscribe to the renga-party.
