Thursday, September 22, 2016

Carpe Diem #1061 waterfall

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

Today autumn starts and that means it is September 22nd, the autumn equinox. So our prompts this week fit the time of year. Our prompt for today is waterfall and it is extracted from the online version of Jane's "A Dictionary of Haiku" on her personal website.
As I was creating this episode I thought back to the start of Carpe Diem Haiku Kai. Why? Because the first prompt ever on CDHK was "waterfall". I even remembered the haiku which I used to inspire you:

waterfall of colors
leaves whirl through the street -
departing summer

© Chèvrefeuille

It was also a haiku of autumn, so this cannot be a coincidence, this must be the spirit of Jane.

We have had "waterfall" as prompt several times here at CDHK, so (again) a reprise episode? Well ... to me that's okay and I hope you all don't mind too.

Let me give you the haiku by Jane to inspire you:

red rock waterfall
into emerald pools
cedar incense
water blackened rocks
falling with the waterfall
some of them
chipped rock
the shape of water
white rim
on black rock light falling
with the water
© Jane Reichhold
And here is my response on these beauties by Jane. I first thought to use one of my archives, but finally I decided to re-create an oldie into a new one. In this haiku I have sought to use the "free-style" way of Santoka Taneda.
the waterfall
ah! that sound ...


© Chèvrefeuille
I hope Jane has inspired you all to create haiku, tanka or an other Japanese poetry form.

This episode is NOW OPEN for your submissions and will remain open until September 27th at noon (CET). I will try to publish our new episode, candles, later on. Have fun!


  1. Carpe Diem Challenge # 1061 Waterfall :

    the waterfall's music
    frozen mid-air
    wild winter storm

  2. Mine is up at:
