Friday, September 9, 2016

Carpe Diem Extra September 9th 2016 a proposal

Dear Haijin, visitors and travelers,

In this time of social media I love to make you all a proposal. Please share your thoughts on the following idea.

Social Media ... I think everyone of us knows what that means. In this modern time, we have facebook, instagram, pinterest and more stuff like that. We also have several digital ways to communicate with each other. For example: WhatsApp and Messenger (by FB).

What do you think of the following idea:

I love to create a Messenger group (on FB) for our haiku community. With that Messenger group it will become easy to debate with each other about haiku, tanka and so on. In this group you can share your haiku or tanka for consideration and improvement.
I was thinking of two sessions a month in which we can discuss our haiku with each other through this Messenger group.

Please let me know what you think of this idea and maybe we can try it at least one time. I am looking forward to your responses. Please let me know your thoughts through the comment field.


Chèvrefeuille, your host.

PS. I am busy to make an all new lay-out for our Carpe Diem Haiku Kai, because I think it is time for some lay-out changes. I will keep you posted on this.


  1. Hi - I'm not sure ehzt a messenger group is bit s fscebook group is a MUST! I think it is very imporyant to stop people posting haiku on the CDHK facebook group page though, or ptofessional page, because the identity created here must go on, but great for expanding, with much-wanted discussion - really fabulous.

  2. I think the idea to make it easy to give respons and discuss is great. I'm not sure a messenger group is best. Why not a Fb group? The CD on Fb is a page isn't it?

  3. I agree with Birgitta on this. I like the idea of a haiku community but I'm not sure what a messenger group is. A Facebook group sounds good, though.

  4. Carpe Diem Haiku Kai is also on FB and if you like to discuss your haiku or learn from each other than you can publish your haiku, tanka and other Japanese poetry forms also on our FB page.

  5. Carpe Diem Haiku Kai is also on FB and if you like to discuss your haiku or learn from each other than you can publish your haiku, tanka and other Japanese poetry forms also on our FB page.

  6. Yes, please count me in. I think it is a great idea.

  7. I am not on Facebook, and not planning to join. It sounds like a good discussion group, though.
